The risk of dying from respiratory disease is higher in summer than in winter

As the temperature drops, this sentence comes back again “Put on your coat, it’ll be cold.” As popular wisdom clearly reflects and hospital statistics demonstrate, Chances of getting sick are higher in colder months. Falling temperatures are often accompanied by an increase in cases of the common cold, flu, or laryngitis. In the general population, these winter illnesses cause discomfort for several days and usually resolve after rest as the immune system neutralizes the threat. However, for people with pre-existing conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or immunosuppression, complications may worsen until they eventually require hospitalization.

Rhinospora siberii parasite, causative agent of rhinosporidiosisRhinospora siberii parasite, causative agent of rhinosporidiosis

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However, while increases in respiratory illness cases are linked to the colder months, Doesn’t mean cold is the cause of illness. For a person to become ill, a set of conditions must exist that allow environmental pathogens to colonize the body.

How to get sick step by step

The first and most important is pathogen exposure. Microorganisms cannot cause disease if they do not come into contact with people. In the case of respiratory illnesses, they are most commonly spread through contact with infected people or animals.During the warmer months, meetings are often held outdoors or in open spaces that allow ventilation and air renewal, but In winter, meetings are often held in smaller, enclosed spaces with poor ventilation and difficulty keeping warm.

when breathing or speaking, The airflow we expel tears small droplets from the mucus and releases them in vitro. These droplets are about a few hundred microns in size, small enough to float around a room for several seconds. In a closed room, most droplets will end up on the floor or furniture, but some may be inhaled by others present. For healthy people, droplets usually consist of water and mucus residue, but if one person in the room has an unwanted host, such as a virus or bacteria, Droplets can serve as vectors for carrying pathogens to other diners..

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