The Seattle Museum has excluded J.K. Rowling from an exhibition dedicated to the literary saga.

Exhibition Harry Potter no name JK Rowling: This is what happened at the American Museum, which decided to remove all mention of the writer because of her “hated and divisive ideas.”

This, of course, allegations of transphobia which for many years surrounded the figure of the mother Harry Potterwhich makes her an increasingly controversial character, to the point that even some movie saga actors such as Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson AND Tom Felton they felt the need to distance themselves.

Along the same lines, reaction Seattle Pop Culture Museumwho decided to dedicate an exhibition to the saga of Harry Potter complete omission of Rowling’s name from posters and inscriptions.

Chris Mooreproject manager of the exhibition, which is part of trans communityjustified his decision as follows:

“There is an entity that is cold, heartless and sucks all the joy out of the world of Harry Potter, and this time it’s not a Dementor. It would be nice to take the point of view of some people on the Internet who believe that these books do not have an author. Unfortunately, however, this man is so frank with his hateful and divisive ideas that it is impossible to ignore. At the moment, the curators have decided to remove all direct references to it from the exhibition. minimize his presence.. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s something we can do now while continuing to think about long-term solutions.”

Despite numerous criticisms, JK Rowling has always responded directly, and sometimes dismissively. Last April, this is how he responded to fans who praised boycott of the new series Harry Potter: “The activists in my comments are trying to stage another boycott of my work, this time the Harry Potter series. Since forewarned is forearmed, I took the precaution of chilling a large supply of champagne.

Of course, the writer has nothing to fear: in the face of numerous disputes, saga of Harry Potter more alive than everwith an upcoming show, a theme park, a theatrical performance that’s been around for years, a video game series, and more.

Source: Timing

Photo by Mike Marsland/WireImage (via Getty Images)


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