The Silvina Luna case: When beauty asks to kill

The Silvina Luna case: When beauty asks to kill

Silvina Luna (Image: TN)

Natalia Paula Makin *

What happened to actress Silvina Luna shocked us at the (very serious) consequences of stereotypes and beauty claims. It shows us how far infinite search can go, as it has no limits to conform to a standard of beauty.

These processes of aesthetic homogenization not only generate acts of discrimination and exclusion, but also a range of themes where all people look the same: ig filters, body aesthetic fashion, and more.

They offer us the only valid options: young, thin, unblemished skin, fair, super-thin bodies, straight and long hair. Everything that falls out of this pattern seems to belong to an imperfect, failing body with something to correct.

Today, accepting oneself, empowering oneself, and breaking free are the processes that women must go through if they want to be happy, because in such an environment, women’s buttocks must be free of stretch marks, round and free of cellulite. . With cellulite on every butt, how can dissatisfaction not surface. Currently, the damage this could cause is immeasurable.

In the field of psychotherapy, it is not uncommon to hear that people are dissatisfied with their body image, that their bodies become distorted, causing their bodies to undergo different practices (miracle diets, eating disorders, excessive physical activity, surgery) in order to adapt to social needs. beauty. accept. Instead of resolving basic conflicts, actions aimed at changing our bodies perpetuate them and keep us locked in loops that are hard to undo.

The problem is not with the body, but with what is subjectively wrought out of the body, influenced, as we say, by the acquired “I must.” Therefore, the work must start from the inside out, not the other way around.

Cosmetology is a value system, not just surgery, as the eating disorders and mental health issues that arise from this need can also be fatal.

Beauty should go hand in hand with physical and mental health. We should not only focus on appearance, let alone fall into the extreme trap of thinking thin as “beauty”. Often, when you feel good on the inside, you feel better on the outside too; of course, always stay away from obsession or depression.

Self-care can guarantee happiness, as long as it doesn’t control us or create pressure to achieve our ideals. If self-care is doomed due to pressure to live up to certain norms or behaviors, it is advisable to start recognizing and examining whether these behaviors intended to produce well-being are designed by thoughts of rigidity, contempt, unfair comparisons, and/or guilt.

Many Silvinas Lunas put their health at risk in order to “fit” to the hegemonic beauty standards of society, media, social networks. impose. How much we allow ourselves to feel a part of it.

*53117 PM

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