the social initiative for the Festival Dem

«We wanted to propose an unconventional communication». And they succeeded. For the fourth edition of the Dem Festival, the «Festival of politics and culture of Empoli»the young secretary Lorenzo Cei has decided to ride the wave of the film Barbie with Margot Robbie who has been all the rage on social media in recent weeks: and has launched a series of posts on Facebook and Instagram with images of Ken secretary – he, Lorenzo Cei – e Mayor Barbie (Brenda Barnini). But also with the volunteer Ken and Barbie secretary of the young Democrats.

Amateur images, from home graphics, which could raise more than a few eyebrows. But not in Empoli. Where the mayor endorsed with a like on Facebook the operation to promote the exhibition which from 27 to 30 April will bring «the big names in politics and journalism at a national level» to the Pala Expo. It is a communication that «is fully in line with the style of the festival, the idea of ​​provoking to arouse attention without any disrespect – comments Barnini herself – In fact, my favorite motto is: take things seriously but never take yourself too seriously».

«Since the beginning, four years ago, we have decided to use an unsettling communication – explains Cei, manager and creator of the campaign – because politics is experienced as boring and distant from citizens and so we try to approach it with a little self-irony. At the first edition we played with figures of anthropomorphic animals, the message was that politics concerns everyday life. Today’s gimmick implies the concept that among us volunteers of the Democratic Party we love each other but also that, if you don’t stop at the “cover” and come to participate, you will discover that the review is very serious ».

In short, aren’t Barbie and Ken likely to lower the level of communication? The Dem secretary is sure: «Yes, the risk exists, but doesn’t politics risk taking itself too seriously? The difference is made by the contents: it is no coincidence that today, on the day of democratic Barbie and Ken, Mayor Barnini announced the destruction of the Ponte a Elsa eco-monster. We have been talking about it for 15 years and many have tried, only she has succeeded. And now it will become an eco-park».

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