The song “My Way” from 18 years ago hit Qatar’s wall yesterday

Ertugrul Ozkok | Zeitgeist

The news coming out of Qatar yesterday must have resonated with you…

Qatar mediated a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas..

Even the opinion of Türkiye as a whole was not taken into consideration.

Why did this happen?

Even Fazil Say got excited and said, “We support.”

October 7, 2023, the day Hamas killed 1,400 people in Israel, passed before my eyes like a movie reel…

In the early days, our “road” was very good…

All of us, even the most oppositional Fadel SaiWe took a path that made him say, “I support this reasonable approach that the president is taking.”

As I said, it was “our way”…

Türkiye style…

Public opinion polls have charted our path

Public opinion polls clearly showed our way.

35% of the audience said: “Let us remain neutral.”

26% of us said, “Let’s mediate.”

18% of us said: “Let us support the Palestinian people, but let us keep our distance from Hamas.”

The percentage of those who said, “Let us support Hamas,” amounted to only 13%…

80% of the nation chose the reasonable path, i.e. “our path”…

Then suddenly we left the “80 percent road” and turned to the “13 percent road.”

From that moment everything turned upside down.

At the joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Germany on November 17, Erdogan said: “Look, I speak freely. Because we do not owe Israel a debt. But those who are in debt cannot speak freely. We did not pass the matter.” “Holocaust.”

When you move away from the 80 percent path and stray into the 13 percent path

We said “Holocaust” in Germany…

We said: “Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a jihadist movement.”

We said: Israel is committing genocide.

We said: Israel will be tried in international criminal courts.

We said: “We may come suddenly one night.” We even said: “Israel will be destroyed.”

Suddenly, we moved away from the reasonable voice of the Islamic world and began speaking to the more extreme quarters of the Arab street.


Did the “Fan Minute” road that opened in Davos benefit Palestine?

The president said “my way” again, just like in Davos…

“My way…”

As a result, our nation’s path went “our way,” and we gave up our identity as mediator and problem solver, which neutrality would bring us, and became a pathologist.

so what happened?

Have we helped the Palestinian people now, and as I said, they did not even ask for our opinion out of courtesy in Qatar.Erdogan celebrates the AKP’s sole rule

Erdogan sang a wonderful song, “My Way,” 18 years ago

But our president said “my way” again 18 years ago…

It was a wonderful song that the whole world listened to in those days.

Frank Sinatra

The song “My Way” was sung by…

I remember it as if it were today..On July 2, 2005…

The world’s leading music stars and bands have come together again, 20 years after the first concert in 1985 to raise awareness of the misery of black Africa.Who wasn’t there…Pink Floyd, U2, Madonna, R.E.M., Elton John, Paul McCartney, Steve Wonder and Sting… Bob GeldofThey came together again under the leadership of…from all over the world Millions of people sing along with the songs, All with one voice, “No!”KTo the Sultan R



Shout, “Let’s kiss!” He was… He wanted peace…Tony Blair, Erdogan

Who are the 5 most respected leaders in the world who were asked their opinion that day? At that very time, MTV, the world’s largest music platform, asked world leaders about the issue.who was that

World leaders support the campaign

? Who are the five “global leaders” chosen by MTV to be “Whose Words Are Heard Around the World”?Nelson


The legendary African leader is at the top of the list of global reputation…

Tony Bly

s…The rising young socialist leader in England, the cradle of democracy…

Bill Clinton

The young democrat who was able to transform an ugly American into a “beautiful American” in the eyes of the whole world. Bill Gates The global myth of the digital revolution..Among them is a surprising name…


prime minister


Recep Tayyip Erdogan

What are the characteristics that made Erdogan one of these five leaders?

Think about those days..

A democratic, pluralistic Muslim says, “We took off the shirt of the national vision” and tries to embrace everyone…

Co-chair of the “Alliance of Civilizations”, which was established to end the conflict between the Islamic and Christian worlds…

When he went to Egypt, he became a secular Muslim and said: Our path is secularism.

And the reasonable voice of the Islamic State trying to improve relations with Israel… A reputable mediator will prevent conflicts not only between Israel and Palestine but around the world…

What song would you like to sing with whom, Mr. Erdogan? MTV had interviewed Erdogan to be broadcast on this program. Among the questions I asked were: MTV: If you were a big singer, which song would you like to sing with any international star?


Wow, tough question.. We only had the chance to watch it, but it could have been with Frank Sinatra.. It overlapped with politics.

My way

maybe you can be… Eighteen years ago, Erdogan had a song “My Way” that he wanted to sing…

The ones I mentioned above were the track that day…In that interview, he explained in detail what this path would be.Look, let’s read again what he said in that interview… What about the wrong way? What is this path, Mr. Erdogan?

MTV: What is the cause of extreme poverty?

Erdogan : world , Significant expenditures have been made in the defense industry in recent years. Especially what I saw in my research as of the end of 2004.

,Developed countries have invested nearly $900 billion in the arms and defense industry alone. I think the real reason behind poverty is these expenses.What about parties? What path will they open for us, Mr. Erdogan?

MTV: Okay

What about music? How do you explain the Live 8 concerts and their ultimate purpose?


: I attach great importance to these parties, especially because they create excitement for the eradication of poverty. Hundreds of millions of people watched and followed these concerts. The integrative role of music in terms of universal values


Since the spirit of unification is so important, this event will have a very serious impact. I congratulate everyone who contributed to this organization.

MTV: How do you think music has become a powerful international weapon that can break down ignorance and barriers? Erdogan: Music speaks to the common conscience of humanity, and will continue to do so. Sometimes you make the other person feel it through the rhythm, sometimes with the singer’s voice, and sometimes while humming it yourself. I also believe that music draws its strength from these feelings.Sneak copy of Milliyet newspaper after the November 3, 2002 electionsThe real question is: What is the way out that you call “my way”?

Now we come to the last and most striking question.

MTV: Founded by the 8 most developed countries in the world today

If you were the host of the G8, how would you direct the topics?



We need democratic values ​​to become widespread in the world. Pay attention to countries suffering from poverty. You will not see democratic values ​​there. The ruling classes were formed here. This gap must be eliminated. This is control

We must ensure that mechanisms are established and income is distributed fairly in these countries. What we have achieved recently in Turkey is to spread justice in income distribution throughout our country. We have not yet reached the desired ideal point.


Tracks. We are after it, and we are determined to succeed.

This was “my way” for Erdogan that day…

What is the song “My Way” that he sang after 18 years?

18 years have passed since then..

Today his “My Way” is much stronger…

But this path is different now.

He was saying “democratic values” that day…

It is not said today…

He said that day: “Their strength is control mechanisms.”

He doesn’t say today.

That day he said “balance in income distribution”…

The “imbalance” is valid today..

At that time, it was said: “Alliance of Civilizations”…

Today, Hamas is called “the Mujahideen.”

“The saving power of music and concerts,” he said that day. Concerts are banned today.

Erdogan and Hamas leader Haniyeh

The song is the same song but the remix is ​​not as polished anymore. Ultimately, this is where we come in…that day we were among the team of leaders who would save the world from these problems…and today, we have not even sat on the benches of the ceasefire agreement in Qatar.The song Same song… “My Way…” and it’s the same thing it says… but the speaker has changed the words a lot in 18 years… today, all that’s left is “his way”… “the remix” is not great at all… the speaker Official on behalf of the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Majid Al-Ansari announced that a prisoner exchange agreement and a temporary ceasefire will be reached between Israel and Hamas with Qatari mediation.

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