The timeless literary charm of the Musketeers

D’Artagnan and his adventurous entry into the King’s Musketeers are one of the most loved and told stories from the early seventeenth century to today. The first literary version, the immortal one written by Dumas, arrives with the first thematic novel in 1844. For the first time after so many film remakes, and not only does it arrive, also a purely literary work edited by Christine Féret-Fleury, published in Italy by Gallucci Bros.

Thanks to the release from last April 6 in theaters i Musketeers and the history of the co-optation of d’Artagnan in the corps of swordsmen of the king of France it is once again in vogue. But the cinematic colossal also brings with it a literary adaptation written by Christine Feret-Fleuryjust from the first novel by Alexandre Dumas. The author who has worked extensively in publishing has signed numerous novels and collections of stories for children and teenagers and for adult readers. In our country the volume has been published since 2023 in the catalogue Universal of Adventures and Observations (UAO) of the Gallucci Publisher. The translation from the French is by Serena Tardioli.

Book The Three Musketeers D'Artagnan Gallucci Bros Athos Vincent Cassel
On the left the cover of the first volume “The Three Musketeers -D’Artagnan”; courtesy press office Gallucci Bros. On the right a photo of the film with Vincent Cassel in the role of Athos

The Musketeers: that touch of intrigue that never sets

Even in this filmic makeover, as the back cover of the volume is the mantra of the musketeers to excel: “EVERYONE FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL!“. And it does nothing if from that far away 1627 where the story begins is almost four centuries away. Of course it is Paris – that of a Sun King who still does not shine, but always of a Louis XIV, albeit young – to act as the scenario for the attempt by the Gascon d’Artagnan to retrace his father’s footsteps and join the body of the Musketeers.

This adaptation, with the utmost respect for Dumas, starts with the first encounter and the chain of duel challenges in which the protagonist meets his future companions and co-stars inseparable Athos, porthos And Aramis. After all, the joke remains timeless: “You said there are only three” – said d’Artagnan to his fellow musketeers – “but it seems to me that there are four of us”. The synopsis winds through the conspiracies hatched by Cardinal Richelieu and from his armed arm with a high seductive power: Milady. The target is precisely the young king and his wife Anna.

The official novelization of the film and the first of a themed manga

As in the film directed by Martin Bourboulonwith Vincent Cassel, Eve Green And Louis Garrelthe volume portrays d’Artagnan – interpreted by Francois Civil – son of a simple provincial gentleman, who was a Musketeer, landed in Paris: “slender, dark-haired and broad-shouldered, the young Gascon he is just twenty years old, with a child’s face and a look full of wonder. He is proud, intrepid and knows how to fight: he has no doubt that he can be admitted to the side of those who, in his eyes, are real heroes“.
The volume is enriched by the scene photo de The three Musketeers D’Artagnan, the first of two feature films, both entrusted to the same director. There publisher’s bet then it is twofold because in the necklace Balloon, always of the Gallucci publishing house publication is expected official mangawith the same title.

The three musketeers D'Artagnan Gallucci Editore book Manga
From the left a scene photo of “The Three Musketeers – D’Artagnan” and the cover of the Manga

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