The ultimate trick to keeping bananas yellow longer

Banana, scientifically known as Musa, is a very popular and versatile fruit that is grown in many parts of the world. According to the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, It is the second most consumed fresh fruitAn average of 11.75 kilograms per person per year, second only to oranges, which ranks first.

It is the most important crop in the Canary Islands, 95% of the country’s banana consumption comes from this archipelago. The region’s mild subtropical climate allows Canary Islands bananas to ripen slowly, resulting in excellent fruit ripeness that is rich in high-quality nutrients and aromatic compounds.

Banana Oatmeal Banana Oatmeal
Bananas are versatile and can be used in a variety of preparations | Pixar

In addition to its natural packaging, which protects it from contamination and facilitates hygienic transportation, bananas It is a fruit that is very beneficial to health.

One of its most notable features is Rich in potassium, a mineral essential for heart health. Potassium is an electrolyte with a small electrical charge that allows nerve cells to send signals that allow the heart to beat regularly and muscles to contract normally.

Bananas, on the other hand, contain pectin, a fiber that regulates carbohydrate digestion, and have a low glycemic index, which makes them Helps control diabetes and improve digestive health.

Banana ripe

Bananas ripen relatively quickly compared to other fruits. This process is affected by many factors including temperature, humidity and banana variety.

The rate at which bananas ripen may vary depending on storage conditions and ambient temperature. Higher temperatures tend to speed up the ripening process.

Banana is a menopausal fruit, meaning they continue to ripen after harvest. This allows them to be picked while they are still green and firm and then gradually ripened at home.

How to preserve bananas to delay ripening

To keep bananas fresh longer, Wrapping the stems in plastic wrap or aluminum foil works well. This helps inhibit the release of ethylene gas from mature stems, which delays ripening.It is also worth recommending Avoid buying products in plastic trays Or store them in bags of the same material when you get home, as this will trap the ethylene gas and speed up ripening.

If your bananas are too ripe Consider freezing them. You can prepare smoothies or use them to make ice cream. To prevent the slices from sticking when freezing, it’s best to cut them into slices and place them on a tray before placing them in the freezer. This will prevent them from sticking.

Using frozen bananas, you can make a variety of smoothies

Ripe bananas vs green bananas, which one is healthier?

The nutritional content of bananas varies with the degree of ripeness. And it tastes sweeter and sweeter. This change is due to the conversion of starch in bananas into simple sugars such as sucrose, glucose and fructose.

A fully ripe banana is a soft and easily digestible fruit. In contrast, Bananas that are too green may be difficult to digest.However, it is believed Green bananas better preserve vitamins.

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