The Unstoppable Uffizi on TikTok – ArteMagazine

FLORENCE – Gli Offices continue to dominate TIK Tak. It was June 2 last year when Florentine galleries they published a video dedicated to visit pop stars Dua Lipaexceeding one million likes.

Collaboration with young authors

Now, a little over a year later, Offices they not only double, but also exceed the threshold 2.5 million little hearts on a popular platform. Continued growth is also supported by recent direct collaborations with authors under 30 years oldwho have already reached heights 10.

At least once a month he Offices they open their doors to young influencers TIK Takcreating videos with them to share on their respective channels.

Among the guests greeted among works of art of the Renaissance, the popularizer stands out Ray Sciutto (6.8 million likes, 236.5 thousand subscribers), art lovers Lucrezia Lugli (3.9 million likes, 58.3 thousand subscribers), Rachelle Borotto Dalla Vecchia “Blonde with Stendhal” (1.2 million likes, 28.8 thousand subscribers), Matteo Demi “TV for Generation Z” (3.2 million likes, 76 thousand subscribers), Crazy Varini (20.7 million likes, 370.7 thousand subscribers), Sasi Cacciatore (42.3 million likes, 641.9 thousand subscribers), Massimiliano Pedone (15.8 million likes, 335.5 thousand subscribers).

New collaboration

This experiment, which has been going on for several months, is giving excellent results and will continue at least throughout 2023. There is also a new collaboration with Florentine on the way. Geneva Fenyes (130.5 thousand subscribers).

Most Favorite Posts

Among the most loved posts published Officesthe one that stands out with the facade Gallery it comes to life(101.9 thousand likes AND 895.9 thousand views); video comes in second place Sasi Cacciatore (112.9 thousand likes AND 702.6 thousand views); on the third Crazy Varini With Jellyfish (71.4 thousand likes AND 394.4 thousand views).

Comparison with other international museums

If you look at the rating of the largest art museum complexes in the world in this social network, then Offices with them 2.5 million likes they take second place, second only to Prado With 4.5 million little hearts.

Instead they exceedHermitage St. Petersburg, which has some 2.4 million. They follow along 1.5 million there National Gallery London and Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, while Rijksmuseum Amsterdam stands on 985 thousand.

In addition to many initiatives of the Department of Education, special lessons and excursions are in line for the youngest, explains the director. Eike Schmidt – As for the “social” part, we chose a playful line. With TikTok, we present works of art at lightning speed and For children. The tone is sometimes irreverent, with self-deprecating posts that also touch upon the topics discussed and the subject of controversy in an attempt to entertain and arouse curiosity. The result is not just virtual: those who visit the Uffizi can now easily notice that the average age of visitors has dropped and the halls are full of young people. This is a positive consequence of the museum’s approach to the language and needs of young people..

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