The veil of secrecy was revealed in the secret attack. Leaked to the American press

The veil of secrecy surrounding the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline last year, which pushed the US and Russia to the brink of war, has been revealed. The American press wrote about the secret plan.

According to Milliyet News; Gas leaks occurred at 4 points as a result of explosions in the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines on September 26, 2022. Germany, Denmark and Sweden launched separate investigations into the incident. The Kremlin said it planned to sabotage its own pipeline. “stupid” And “predictable” He argued that it was “The leaked area is under the control of US intelligence.” He claimed that the United States may be responsible. Allegations in the Russian press that the United States was behind the sabotage and “A new world war” Possibilities were discussed.

“There were explosions”

Seismologists reported underwater explosions before the leaks appeared. Björn Lund of the Swedish National Earthquake Centre “There’s no doubt they were explosions.” He said. Mike Fullwood, of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, said the leaks were likely due to sabotage. Fullwood told the BBC “A leak in an underwater pipeline is rare. “3 leaks in 18 hours is a big coincidence.” He said.

The American press wrote about the secret plan

Speaking to the Washington Post, intelligence officials said that a Ukrainian officer was behind the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline. Colonel Roman Chervinsky, 48, a decorated officer in the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces, was the coordinator of this attack, according to the Washington Post. The Ukrainians, who placed explosives in the area where the pipes were located, with a team of six people and a sailing ship, blew up the pipeline from Russia to Germany, and as winter approached, only one of the four main pipes remained intact. According to unnamed officials, Colonel Chervinsky did not plan this attack alone, but rather received orders from soldiers above him.

The main name of the processes

Before this attack, Chervinsky received orders from Ukraine in 2020 to lure fighters of the Russian Wagner mercenary group to Belarus and arrest them. Chervinsky will be able to confirm Russia’s role in the killing of pro-Russian separatist leaders in Ukraine and the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. “Kidnapping a witness” He said he “planned and carried out” operations for

CIA report leaked

According to an intelligence report allegedly leaked by CIA member Jack Teixeira, the attack on the pipeline was carried out without President Zelensky’s knowledge. At times, U.S. officials have particularly criticized Ukrainian intelligence and military officials for launching attacks that risk provoking Russia into escalating its war against Ukraine. But Washington’s discomfort did not always deter Kiev.

(Tags for translation)Northern Movement

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