The virus was discovered in…

BLOOMBERG — Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in dairy herds in Michigan and Idaho, suggesting The virus is spreading to new U.S. states.

The National Veterinary Services Laboratory has confirmed the presence of avian influenza in a recent cattle herd in Michigan. Received cows from Texas, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Friday, March 29.

In a joint statement with the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Agriculture also said it has received Presumptive positive test results in New Mexico, Idaho and Texas.

As in previous cases, the strain found in Michigan It appears to have been introduced by wild birds and transmission between livestock cannot be ruled out.the U.S. Department of Agriculture said. Preliminary tests have found no changes in the virus that would make it easier to spread to humans, and there are still no concerns about the safety of the commercial milk supply.

There are fears the flu has spread across borders. Florian Krammer, a professor in the Department of Microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, said in “X” that cases of avian influenza are currently reported in several U.S. states “I wouldn’t be surprised if cows in Europe are also infected. “

March 27, National Service of Health, Safety and Agricultural Products Quality of Mexico, According to a statement from the Department of Agriculture, a company called Senasica detected highly pathogenic avian influenza AH5N2 on a family farm in Michoacan state.

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