Theatrical launch trailer for Undone, free-to-play with Will Smith

undoneThe free-to-play survival developed by Lightspeed Studio available on PC, iOS and Android shows itself with a launch trailer Cinematic that shows the environment and situations that we will deal with in the game. this time without Will Smith,

Announced two years ago by Tencent, Undawn uses a open world architecture and includes PvP and PvE modes that bring to the screen battles between groups of survivors and hordes of deadly infected.

A formula that clearly recalls I Am Legend, hence the trailer with Will Smith that undoubtedly helped to increase the popularity of the game in the wake of the official launch, which took place in the last few hours.

Powered by the powerful Unreal Engine 4, Undone will allow us to participate in several missions to modify our character and obtain new weapons and equipment, while we discover what remains of the great cities after the disaster that destroyed them. destroyed.

As a good free-to-play, the Lightspeed Studio title also includes game mechanics. city ​​buildingWhich can count on more than a thousand items so that we can build the most different buildings and organize the defense of the outpost against any kind of attack.

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