There is no fear in Marmara in Israel: Mossad is on alert


The first news of the potential fleet came on November 20, when activist Volkan Okshogel challenged the Israeli navy.
It came to the fore with its ambitious expectations of reaching 1,000 small vessels capable of studying.

Although fleet leaders have taken some steps to make progress since then, the report says
Their goals and organization appear very different from the infamous Mavi Marmara flotilla of May 2010, which led to violent clashes on the high seas and years of geopolitical fallout.

Filled with former senior Israeli intelligence officials and current intelligence officials
The following statements were contained in the report prepared by the Meir Amit Center, with which we are in constant communication
He added: “It appears that the convoy is still only in the planning stages and is within the spirit of solidarity work with the Gaza Strip, and it is not clear when they plan to launch and whether they actually aim to reach the Gaza coast.”

First of all, the fleet commanders were not actually trying to completely break the Israeli blockade of Gaza, but rather trying to attack Israel.
They say they hope to disrupt the ongoing shipment of military supplies and, as the intelligence center said, distract the Israeli Navy.

This idea is mainly intended to increase the cost and hardship to Israel of maintaining the blockade.
Looks like.

What are the fleet plans?

According to the report, if the flotilla launches, its plan is to head first to Cyprus and collect humanitarian aid for the residents of Gaza. Then it will try to reach Gaza through international waters, but Israel
It will be ready for stop, inspection and towing to the port of Ashdod by the Navy.
According to the report, this would require the IDF to use extensive naval resources and a significant amount of time, as well as…
It will cause a delay in vital military supplies that Israel needs for the war effort
It can create dangerous sea traffic.

After the flotilla commanders docked in Ashdod, they sent humanitarian aid to Gaza by land.
They will wait for it to arrive. There are still questions about whether the fleet will materialize or whether it will be smaller than expected. The Meir Amit Center believes this is because organizers set December as a general target period and as the actual departure date.
And because they are still discussing raising money to buy a ship.
He said he caused it

In fact, some organizers initially said the fleet would depart on November 23. continuous
It is also possible that the temporary ceasefire may have hampered the fleet’s efforts, but the IDF’s ability to survive after the war ended
Note that he said he would maintain security control over parts of Gaza even after that
They can still access the road by towing.

Sources in the Israeli army recently said that they doubted the convoy’s ability to approach Gaza and
23 said that they will certainly not be able to reach a number similar to the Mavi Marmara accident in 2010.

Some of the fleet’s previous initiatives include international diplomatic pressure; Legal pressure from insurance companies and
Procurement of a sufficient number of vessels to ensure the possibility of filing lawsuits for involvement in dangerous maritime activities.
It ended up being a failure because it made it financially difficult to go on the road.

Insurance and investment in such a fleet will prevent the ship from trying to break the blockade.
This is important because of the possibility of it being confiscated by the IDF for an indefinite period of time for just cause.
It has its drawbacks.

Fleet organizers claim that the blockade is illegal, and more specifically, if a
The IDF if it allows inspection and carries only humanitarian supplies.
They claim he can’t stop them.

However, the Israeli military is particularly concerned about allowing goods to reach Gaza by land later.
The claim is that the blockade does not need to distinguish between the types of goods transported
They realize that he will seize their ships anyway.

Strangely, the report states that 133 of the ships that have joined the 4,500-strong fleet so far have been smuggled.
So far, 104 ships from Russia, 104 from Spain, and only 12 ships from Turkey have participated.
I listened.

The report also included Zahar Burei, a Hamas activist, and the British Muslim Brotherhood.
There is also talk of rolling out smaller fleet initiatives.

Other activists involved in the fleet initiatives mentioned in the report include Jordanian Member of Parliament Fares Al-Ajarma, Professor Torsten Daly, and Mavi Marmara Association President Ismail Songhor.

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