These are clues to know if your child has a cold or something more serious (bronchitis)

With the arrival of autumn, the cold season, we say goodbye to the typical Virus have the courage to enter respiratory system, This new phase of the year is most distinctive, especially among children. Prompt recognition and treatment are often key to the better development of these events. Specifically, cold They are very frequent during these months and are the most common consultations in pediatrics during the fall. Dr. Javier Sánchez, a pediatrician at Quirónsalud Zaragoza Hospital, insists cold represents a Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat), Production of mucus and coughing. “They can also cause fever, especially in young children,” experts say.

Specifically, he said they knew each other until Covering 200 possible virus types Among colds, the most common is rhinovirus.He explained that because Coronavirus diseaseHands are one of the main entry points for these viruses, besides coughing or sneezing. The pediatrician added: “It’s common for children to share toys in daycare or school and they can easily spread secretions by sucking them, so many infections occur this way.”

They usually subside within a week to ten days, and leave no consequences”, continues the specialist from Quirónsalud Zaragoza Hospital. When a fever occurs, it usually lasts for the first 2-3 days; if a cough occurs, it may last up to 2 to 3 weeks, while sore throat and nasal symptoms usually appear at the first Ends within the week.

As mentioned previously, treatment for these cases is nasal irrigation, adequate hydration, and, if fever occurs, antipyretics. “Again, in this case, the patient is advised to stay at home and avoid going to school,” the expert said.

How to spot bronchitis

On the other hand, they are very common, although less common than colds, An episode of bronchitis or bronchiolitis According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), among minors there are an average of about 100,000 cases per year, many of whom require treatment Hospitalization. As noted, this pathology, Affects the lower respiratory tract and makes breathing difficultSo, in his view, we have to be more careful.

Insist in believing More common in children under 2 years oldThis is especially true for babies under 6 months old, the pediatrician noted.Remember, the viruses that cause these respiratory infections are respiratory syncytial virus or RSVfor which many children in Spain will be protected starting this autumn.

Specifically, it was included in our country for the first time Vaccination schedule Bronchiolitis immunization for children under six months of age and at-risk children under two years of age, who will receive the injection Monoclonal antibody (“nirsevimab”) According to the Spanish Pediatric Association, cases of bronchiolitis are expected to decrease by 80%.

Regarding symptoms that distinguish them from a cold, pediatricians emphasize that bronchitis or bronchiolitis, that is, difficulty breathing, can be considered longing for air,arrive Breathe through the intestinespulling more ribs, and a more violent, deeper cough.

“For this type of pathology, in addition to nasal irrigation, other types of treatments are sometimes required. In general, it is recommended Bronchodilators And, if that’s not enough, Oral corticosteroids. Again, an evaluation by a pediatrician is required to monitor and evaluate this medical condition; therefore, if you suspect bronchitis, you should go to your health center to be evaluated by a pediatrician. ” said Javier Sanchez.

How can we prevent these events from happening?

Ultimately, in order to avoid contagion, the specialist from the Quirónsalud Zaragoza Hospital essentially recommends good hand washing, “at least five to six times a day, both of the patient and those who may come into contact with him.” .

Likewise, it considers minors equally important Do not share items or foodAs well as keeping your child away from family members when they cough, wipe their nose with a clean disposable tissue each time and then wash it.

Properly disinfect public surfaces Cleaning the table or countertop every day is another step that can be taken if you want to avoid these frequent occurrences in minors during the fall,” the pediatrician concluded.

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