These are the health regions in Aragon with the most and least flu vaccinations

this Aragon influenza incidence The decline continued last week and moved away from the base threshold set for the season of 59.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in primary care. Currently, according to the latest data from the epidemiological bulletin of Aragon, there are 36 cases, compared with 52 the previous week.However, the volume Emergency situations Participate for this reason Virtually unchanged, enrollment numbers were 135 and 15 respectively.

The incidence rate of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) is 763.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, slightly higher than last week (753 cases). Cases of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) are also increasing, rising to 18.1 from 17.1 the previous week. People over 79 years old have the highest incidence rate (68.8), followed by people aged 65 to 79 years (50.2).

To alleviate this situation, One of the most effective measures is vaccination. In fact, the Ministry of Health stepped up its vaccination campaign at the beginning of the year, and as of February 18, 322,787 doses of vaccine had been administered.Achieved the highest coverage Among them, the population over 80 years old reached 81.2% of the target population. The proportion is falling with age and remains at 60.4 per cent among the over-60s, well below the 75 per cent target set for this risk group this season.

According to data provided by the public health department, there areimportant difference Interest in vaccines Basic health departments and regions community. Among those over 60 years old, the Teruel region has the highest figure (69.2%), while Zaragoza II barely reaches 56.8%.Among the basic areas, it is worth paying attention to Sos del Rey Católico (100%), Lafortunada (97.5%), Sabiñán (89.8%) and Cedrillas (86.3%) have high coverage. The lowest values ​​are found in: Épila (52.3%), Rebolería and San Pablo (52.1%), María de Huerva (50.8%) and Mequiniza (50.6%).

exist. .between Over 80 years old The Teruel region has the highest coverage (90.7%), while the Zaragoza II region has limited uptake (74.9%).In the basic fields there are Five of them are complete consciousness All vulnerable groups were vaccinated without hesitation.this is what happened Lafortunada, Sabiñán, Cedrillas, Teruel Ensanche and Sos del Rey Católico. Opposite is María de Huerva (66.4%), Venice (64.8%) and Mequiniza (62.3%).

Influenza vaccination rates among children

This year, flu immunization is included as a new initiative. Minors aged 6 to 59 months. in this case 43.2% of the target population have been vaccinated. inside Zaragoza 2nd district where they arrived maximum value In childhood immunization, 47.8%. he at the lowest limit lie in Barbastrowith a meager 3.4%.

go through Basic areas, focusing on rural Monzon and Weca rural areas, where there are no children People who are susceptible to vaccination have done so. Luna (2.7%), Baguena (7.5%) and Abiego (9.8%) also have surprisingly low rates. Opposite are Actur Oeste (87%), Ejea de los Caballeros (82.5%) and Sariñena (80.2%), almost twice the regional average.

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