These are the new groups who can get the shot

As of Friday, December 1, the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs is extending flu vaccination coverage to two new groups: smokers and anyone who lives with someone over 60 years old, has a chronic medical condition or is pregnant , as reflected in the Strategic Vaccination Plan of the General Administration of Public Health and Drug Administration.

Currently, the Ministry of Health stated in a press release that 1,415,799 people in Andalusia have been vaccinated against influenza, and a total of 928,498 people have been vaccinated against the new coronavirus. As for the elderly over 60 years old, 1,006,574 people have been vaccinated against influenza (coverage rate 48.4%), and 789,614 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 (coverage rate 35.4%). Among them, the coverage rates for the elderly over 85 years old are 67.6% and 53.8% respectively.

Regarding childhood influenza vaccination (for all children aged 6 to 59 months), a total of 88,321 minors were vaccinated, or 31.9%. On the other hand, among people under 60 years of age who were vaccinated due to chronic diseases or risk situations (pregnancy, health professionals), 445.66 people received the influenza vaccine and 139,520 people received the coronavirus vaccine.

Since the launch of the campaign on October 9, vaccinations have been carried out in phases for people in nursing homes and centers for persons with disabilities; over 85 years old; and health and social care professionals.

Starting October 16, vaccinations begin for people ages 70 to 79; 6 to 59 months; boys and girls six months or older, teens and adults with chronic conditions; extended family members at home and skilled nursing Personnel; Pregnant and postpartum women, vaccination open to persons aged 60 to 69 years from October 30; and other professional groups (security forces and institutions, firefighters, staff of prison institutions and prisoners, etc.).

Once the first phase of the campaign progresses, and as the peak of respiratory viruses such as influenza approaches, the Andalusian vaccination plan reminds us that it is also important to vaccinate those who live with the most vulnerable. That is, people who live with someone 60 or older, someone with a chronic illness, or a pregnant woman.

Likewise, Salud y Consumo calls on the population that all persons belonging to the above-mentioned risk groups can protect themselves against influenza and Covid-19 through vaccination. It is an effective and safe tool to prevent serious illness and hospitalization from these viruses.

Furthermore, the same bill also emphasizes dual vaccination of the recommended population with the aim of immunizing against the coming peak of influenza and Covid infections. For more information visit https://www.andavac. es/

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