These are the tips for cleaning up old coins and getting the best price when they sell

There are several factors that can cause a coin to increase significantly in value: its age, the number of units put into circulation, some error in manufacture… and another factor that is just as important as the previous error. It’s about its state of conservation.

exactly A shiny coin in good condition can send its price skyrocketing, much better than another identical but found sample. This is the so-called “a picture is worth a thousand words” truth.

There are several situations that can cause a coin to not be “in perfect magazine condition”, as they often say in the military. Humidity, sweat, grease, dust… are some of the factors that end up dirtying coins. And all the light and splendor they had in the first place eventually fades away…along with their value.

Is this grandma’s trick?

When a series of commonly used, basic materials are used, and everyone can afford it, the famous saying “Grandma’s trick” is often used. Home remedies can restore oxidized coins that have lost their color or luster to their original condition.

one of the protagonists baking soda and lemon. because? Because the first is a cleaner and sanitizer, while the second is a polish and degreaser. The perfect cocktail to remove dirt and rust without “damaging” coins.

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How to use this combination? You must have half a teaspoon of baking soda and half a lemon on hand. Combine the two in a bowl to form a paste. Deposit coins into it for 10 minutes.

Afterwards, it must be wiped with a soft brush or microfiber cloth. Finally, wash with warm water and dry with another cloth.

Soap and vinegar?

Yes, but separate as they are two different techniques. Also make a mixture with mild soap and warm distilled water, in which case the mixture will be soapy.You have to soak every coin in it, and Gently wipe with index finger and thumb.

If the coin is very, very dirty, it should sit in the mixture for a while. How many? About 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with distilled water and dry with a towel.

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What about vinegar? One of its properties, then, is its ability to dissolve rust and lime, Sanitize and polish simultaneously. In this case, store the white vinegar in a container.

The coins are left there for fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on the degree of dirt. After this time, you have to brush them with a soft brush. Then, rinse with warm water and dry with a towel or paper.

what not to do

A number of situations must be avoided so that the coins do not get “touched” during the cleaning process and end up going bad. Because, to paraphrase the motto of the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE), the ultimate purpose is to cleanse, restore and give splendor.

That being the case, Coins should not be stacked on top of each other. This keeps them from getting dirty or scratched. And, for nothing, use something like a knife to try and remove any grime that hasn’t come out yet. When doing this, the only thing that can be achieved is scratching or piercing the coin.

Heat or fire should also not be used during this cleaning process.If you do, it is possible color change or metal melting. Also don’t dry coins in the sun or with a hair dryer in an effort to advance the age in the latter case. Will cause staining or discoloration.

With these simple tips, the look of your coin collection will be improved. If you want to take the step of selling them, their value will increase.

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