These echoes of the week

Published September 30th. 2023 at 10:00

It will all end in a bunch of impots! The sentiment perceived here regarding budget car rentals is well summed up, as our editor Jean-Marc Vittori explained, among the inevitable expenses, a deficit that needs to be contained and a croissant too soft to inflate financial returns, according to this poorly commented France échapperait once or the other is at the top of the table.

Et pourtant, l’homme qui tient les Finances du Pays, Bruno Le Maire, without leaving the line, reducing the deficit without paying taxes. Droit comme un i et parfois seul, analysis Cécile Cornudet. In fact, it’s not that simple. According to the 2024 budget proposal, government spending will increase by 2.2% and government effects will increase by 2.2%. 8000 posts, explains Renaud Honore. And if impots, en Prince, n’augmentent pas, les baisses, elles, sont suspendues, then this is Sebastien Dumoulin. According to Etienne Lefebvre, A budget based on hypothetical theories of optimism, Bruno Le Maire announces the “first brand” of disappointment. More than ever, our soulful editorial joins France in the raid of le retablissement des comptes, s’il alieu, viendra de l’amélioration de la conjoncture économique plus des resources de rigueur.

Excess deficit

Now the car en faudrait la France is about to set a record on the marches of financiers l’an prochain, preceding Renault Honore. The same goes for the largest amount of money in our history – 285 billion euros – says Guillaume Benoit, who explains that Trésor’s elite teams are committed to helping us grow. It is true that in the case of intere and faudre, Brussels will also be convinced of our series in France if it discovers a new fois under the threat of the excessive deficit procedure, as reported by our correspondent Karl De Meyer. This argument is more convincing than what economist Eric Heyer said in an interview with Nathalie Silbert and Renaud Honore: “The 2024 budget clearly demonstrates the logic of austerity.” The art of litotes…

Melons, deja

Au moins nous ne sommes pas seuls. The issue of public finances is also clear to us,” explains Guillaume de Calignon during the tour. It is advertised especially for Italy Giorgia Meloni, the budget is low after a year and here you come to consider these prospects for croissants below and the deficit at home, at 5.3% PIB this year (against 4.9% than before), our correspondent in Rome Olivier Tosseri . The breakdown of content here has complicated the conditions for joining the eurozone, a sign of the nervousness of international authorities, who warned our police officers about financial marches, Guillaume Benoit and Sophie Rolland.

If this is not an official question from the owner of impulses, based on the same deeds and temptations. Examples. In France, electrical manufacturers will receive new taxes in 2024 by reducing the “contribution to inframarginal income” (the technocratic name for income tax on profits), explains Sebastien Dumoulin. Likewise, many European countries (Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Pays-Bas…) often introduce tax exemptions on bank income, explains Rachel Cott. The measure, which stands at the forefront of all policies, does not make our columnist Alexander Cooney doubt the economic significance.

“MSF green”

Finally, voila, the idea of ​​a “green ISF” for climate finance is back on the forefront of the financial arena, notes Sebastien Dumoulin. Il s’agirait d’une mesure temporaire, selon ses promoters, more energy transition This is a long-term matter for the future. Right off the bat, Budget 2024 strikes a sensible balance towards “green taxation” as Anne Feitz analyzes in the quote, reducing the financial benefits of fossil energy and increasing heat loss penalties.

At the beginning of the week, Emmanuel Macron presented his vision of a “French” ecology, which arose from the behavior of the French. A 50-page range is available detailing Anne Feitz and Muriel Jacques. “Three times” climate, ecology and economics, the newest chronicler Eric Le Boucher, who welcomes “realistic design, measurement, calculation and pre-financing.” Presk! About returning to the handles of impots…

Immobilizer, zero year

Moynes finance, on Songe au nuclear age EDF, being a 100% nationalized champion, the government does not expect changes in electricity prices consistent with the company’s financial needs. This is where the bra Sharon Weisbrot talks about comes from. “The French are betting on competitive electricity,” Energy Transition Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher said in an interview on Tuesday.

Car les Français ont also d’autres soucis en tête, comme le renchérissement des ready-made immobilizers. Avec la hausse des taux d’intérêt, on s’acheminerait même vers une “zero year of credit real estate”, former Edouard Lederer. Des reves d’acquisition de logement s’envolent. “This is why the government is envisaging the creation of bonuses to zero and the creation of bonuses for old classes,” explains Marion Heilmann. Is there a way to restart the credit march? Our editorial editor, Alexander Kunis, is dubious and asks to identify other pickers who are not involved in the action.

What if a man is also interested in you? sous-sol ? French energy in lithium, one of the means of the energy transition, is sous-estimé, explained Etienne Goetz. In a recent interview with Hayat Gazzana, a specialist in premium materials, he found the highlight and asked to “list our sous-salts.” Nous sommes peut-être riches sans le savoir…

Le RN and ecology

The energy transition is one of the reasons why the automotive tradition is sick, as we see an unprecedented conflict between the American employees of the Big Three who are trying to exploit Joe Biden and Donald Trump, according to our correspondent Veronica Le Billon. The Prime Minister abandoned campaigns on the theme of democracy in danger, so the second, in the absence of televised debates between the seven Republican candidates, resigned himself to representatives of his own camp.

Signe des bouleversements de Cette Industries, les constructeurs raccourcissent drastiquement leurs chaînes logisticiques, explains Guillaume Guichard. The map is created among historical and new participants such as Tesla, as well as Solveig Godelak. And you may also be wondering about the details of the alliance between Renault and Nissan, which involves Lionel Steinmann. But the energy transition is also a new perspective Dunkirk I tell Anna Feitz in a report that shows what the future will look like after Haute-Fourneaux!

Synonymous with new restrictions, ecology is the fuel for the national harvest: this is exactly how you want to see Emmanuel Macron with his statements on environmental planning, transcribed by Cécile Cornudet. What I love most is what it is RN ? Jacques Pogam questioned his managers even more. In the resource that is in Marine Le Pen’s parts, plus help in criticism, in suggestions and perfumes made with the help of science, and not in daily clear lines. And this is not double talk.

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