They announced this on the live broadcast! Another country severed diplomatic relations with Israel

Presidential Spokesperson Maria Nella Prada and Deputy Foreign Minister Freddy Mamani announced in a joint press conference that they had decided to sever diplomatic relations with Israel.

Ties have been officially severed

Mamani stated that they held this press conference due to the dangerous developments in the Middle East and said: “Bolivia has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. Our country has previously made two official statements regarding the Palestinian issue.” He said.


Recalling the United Nations Convention on Human Rights, Mamani said: “Bolivia rejects all forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” He made his assessment.

Deputy Minister Mamane stressed the need to reach a ceasefire “immediately.” “Israel’s aggressive and disproportionate military attack on the Gaza Strip threatens international peace and must be condemned in the same way. The entry of food, medicine and humanitarian supplies should not be prevented. The blockade imposed by Israel on Palestinian settlements must be lifted.” He said.

Mehmet Kukukahvesi. – Night Manager

News 7 - Mehmet Kuçukahveci.

About the editor

He completed his secondary and high school education in Kayseri. He completed his university education at Istanbul University, Department of Geography. He took his first step into a journalism career at in 2008. He worked across all categories during his 15-year professional editorial career. He continues his career as the “Night Manager” at

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(tags for translation) Bolivia

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