They asked to avoid streets in several towns in Castile-La Mancha due to poor air quality

The government of Castile-La Mancha warned on Wednesday of the presence of particulate matter in many towns in the region and recommended measures to be taken People with respiratory diseases, the elderly and children “They avoid being outdoors for long periods of time.”

According to the government report of the autonomous region, the air quality is expected to be poor in 2020. Toledo, Talavera de la Reina, Eliescas, Los Jebenes, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Ciudad Real and Puertollano.

This situation is due to haze effect These days are being registered in the country, characterized by Due to the large increase in the concentration of particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (known as PM10) and smaller than 2.5 microns (known as PM2.5), Harmful to health After reaching the alveoli.

don’t exercise outdoors

As noted by the Board of Directors,High concentrations of PM10 throughout the day are expected to exceed levels communicated to the public, so in general it is recommended that all “Physical exertion outdoors for prolonged periods of time should be limited.”

PM10 are solid or liquid particles Dust, ash, soot, metal, cement or pollen Dispersed in the atmosphere with a diameter between 2.5 and 10 µm. These are mainly Composed of inorganic compounds such as silicates and aluminates, heavy metals, and organic materials associated with carbon particles.

haze effect

Smog has important health effects, such as producing cough, nasal congestion, and eye irritation On top of that, it can exacerbate chronic respiratory conditions like asthma or chronic bronchitis.

these symptoms They depend on the amount of particles in the atmosphere and the exposure time.

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