They call for no relaxation of measures against coronavirus

Merida, Utah, August 2, 2023. – Pulmonologist Esperanza Figueroa Hurtado appealed not to relax measures to use masks in health centers and to watch out for symptoms seen by Covid-19 patients, which were confused with flu.

“There were flu cases, but there was an increase in covid cases, and because the virus mutated so much that the rapid test was no longer effective, so the test came back negative, but we didn’t test. There were a lot of super significant increases in covid cases for eight weeks in a row , and even hospitalized patients,” the expert said.

He pointed out that from his point of view, it was a mistake to remove the mask from the sanitation place, because it is possible that the continuous arrival of infected people will lead to more cases.

Likewise, he noted that even with flu cases, more care must be taken because the virus behaves differently in warmer regions than it does in other regions with more seasonal changes; because when it is hot, people congregate in air-conditioned enclosed spaces , which facilitates contagion.

He noted that so far, children younger than 5 years have had more severe symptoms, such as fever for up to 5 days and conjunctivitis, which the latter says is specific to this variant.

Experts call for not to relax the measures. If you have some symptoms, please wear a mask and keep a distance until the new crown virus infection is ruled out.

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