They confirm the presence of bird flu in Antarctica

The Spanish High Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology confirmed the existence of the coronavirus. highly pathogenic avian influenza Among dead bird specimens in Antarctica.

The discovery, made by scientists Angela Vázquez and Antonio Alcama, occurred over two periods of time peacock sample Collected near Primavera Antarctic Base.

Also read: First human death from bird flu in Chinaarrive

CSIC reports that the discovery will help polar programs prepare and enable Prevent the spread of infection between birds; Most importantly, prevent human infection.

A team led by Antonio Alcamar, working at Spain’s Gabriel de Castilla Antarctic base, confirmed the presence of the virus in the largest collection of samples. Safeguard to prevent the virus from spreading to humans.

Analysis conducted showed that the birds were infected with H5 subtype avian influenza; At least one of them is a carrier of a highly pathogenic virus.

Avian influenza subtypes

Analytical procedures include PCR specificity for influenza viruses and H5 subtypes, followed by Sequencing; This allowed the virus’s existence to be conclusively confirmed.

The discovery was made possible through international collaboration and has been reported to international Antarctic organizations such as the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Committee for the Management of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) under the Antarctic Treaty.

bird flu virusThe virus, which has been previously found in the Northern Hemisphere and more recently in the subantarctic islands, has arrived in Antarctica for the first time; it could explain the Antarctic summer bird mortality. DJ


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