They didn’t have paper, they wrote their medical prescriptions on their UC Riverside ballots

Patients could not shake off the shock over the weekend as the health system goes through a crisis. Not only did he have to buy medicine, but to his surprise, the prescription he was given was based on votes from the last provincial election.

The supply shortage has affected several health centers in the Alto Valley, which have reduced some services in recent weeks, including the delivery of medications.

But young people who attended over the weekend were in for a surprise Ernesto Arkham Hospital of Allen Due to severe flu. After waiting patiently, he left with the prescription, although halfway through the service he discovered that he didn’t have a blank piece of paper, so the professional prepared a prescription for him on the back of a left-over ballot. The last provincial election.

patient is called Ariel Zuniga Suffering from bronchitis, he was kind enough to talk to us. black river radio. With a cough and a hoarse voice, he recounted his experience: On Saturday, he went to Allen Hospital’s emergency room with a high fever. He had a fever over 39 degrees, they gave him a shot and he left the clinic with the prescription medication.

When he arrived at the pharmacy, he was doubly surprised. On the one hand, the price of the medicine: “I spent 18,000 for two flu pills,” he said, “and I told the pharmacist, are you kidding me? He looked at me with that face, I’m not kidding you.” The second surprise Zuniga got was when he turned the recipe over: “It says Listing 431.”

Alberto Weretilneck appears in the newspaper as a JSRN candidate, and below is Lorena Matzen’s name, from Activism. It’s worth remembering that at the last provincial election in April, both political spheres were on the same ballot.

Ariel laughed and coughed, then continued: “What surprised me the most and caught my attention was that this recipe appeared on the ballot for the electoral list this April.” Ariel wanted to clarify responsibility and made it clear: “I know their hospital There’s no supplies, it’s not their fault. Because they’re prescribing based on what they find.” I want to believe they’ve said, yes, we have these leftover ballots from the campaign, don’t litter, don’t throw away, Recycle them and we give them to the sanitation staff. “

He clarified, “The ideal scenario would be for the hospital to have a blank checkbook with hospital payable and stamp you. But, hey, they’ll do their best.”

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