They discharged baby born at 16 weeks weighing half a kilogram

Grayson Butlerpremature infants born with 16 weeks old, weighing 1 pound inside Blaisdale Children’s Hospital of New YorkDischarged later Spent 16 months in hospital. The baby spent almost his whole life in the hospital, staying in the hospital for nearly 500 days, and finally he was able to see the sun again. He now weighs 20 pounds and is breathing on a ventilator but has recovered.

Grayson came into the world on June 27, 2022, at just 16 weeks pregnant. 20% chance of survivalDoctors diagnosed him with congenital heart disease and chronic lung disease, WCBS-TV reported. 1 pound of weight can be converted to 0.44kgAfter 15 blood transfusions, two surgeries, a tracheotomy and five bouts of pneumonia, Grayson finally turned the corner.

490 days have passed

Now, 490 days after birthAfter the incident, the little boy was discharged from the hospital on a modified stretcher, weighing 9 explained Mona Harper“There were a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of tears, a lot of praying, a lot of crying,” his mother told USA Network, adding, “There were many days when I thought I could finally take my son home, but Suddenly another question appeared, “We are very scared, as if we are going to break, so fragile…”

Since Grayson was born, his parents have experienced Emotional “roller coaster”: “A lot of days are fine, but a lot of days your stomach is crunching and you can’t even lift your head.” “I didn’t know it would last this long,” the mother said excitedly, defining her son as “Miracle baby”.Now, she and Jeffrey ButlerThe child’s father has learned to care for him and care for him with the ventilator he needs.

“When other kids start walking, he might fall behind a little bit. But that’s totally fine.”

Doctors noted that Grayson did not experience any other neurological problems, although “When other children start walking, he may fall behind a little. But he was good,” his father explained, noting that “he was smart and had a great sense of humor. Grayson and his parents have been living outside the hospital since November 1, hoping to stop the little boy’s story from beginning.

ConSalud’s content is written by journalists specializing in health and is endorsed by a committee of top experts. However, readers are advised to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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