‘They gave it back to us in a drawer,’ the heartbreaking story of a San Juan mother who denounced misconduct after her daughter’s death

witness is punching. A year ago, Oriana, a little girl from San Juan, died after seeking medical advice and failing to get a timely diagnosis. According to her relatives, they blamed the little girl for her death. In the final hours, his mother spearheaded a plea to the court for justice.

The woman from San Juan explained in an interview with Telesol Noticias that on July 25 last year, she took her daughter to the doctor who told her she had a cold. Minors were sent home with syrup. The mother reported that her baby did not want to eat or drink.

They took her to guards at Guillermo Rosen Hospital and told her she had bronchitis. The doctor who saw her was not there at the time and sent her for some tests. The next day, another professional arrived, around 5am, reviewed the findings, and sent her home again, this time with another syrup. In addition, he told her that she could go without water for up to 15 days.

Maternal instincts are superior, and in the morning she consults again, although she obeys what the professional tells her. Another doctor saw them and told them she didn’t understand how they sent her home. The mother told Telesol her words were “Your daughter is at risk in that state and you must hospitalize her now“.

While they waited for all the test results, the worst news came. Orianna’s body couldn’t take it anymore and she collapsed. Minors died of respiratory infections and pneumonia.

We entrusted our daughter’s life to them and they gave it back to us in a drawer. We need doctors who don’t kill. One mistake on their part could take anyone’s life,” he said.

The San Juan woman insisted that when she sees cases like Oriana’s, they remember the days of switching from one guard to another. “pain. We work through the pain ’cause it’s all we have left“, HILL.

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