They identify key management measures to control swine enzootic pneumonia

A recent study led by U.S. researchers is taking new steps to eliminate Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae), A bacterium that causes respiratory disease in pigs, known as enzootic pneumonia.

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae It is one of the most important swine bacterial pathogens worldwide, affecting animal welfare and causing significant economic losses to the swine industry. The results of this study demonstrate that diagnostic strategies designed to help eliminate and ultimately eradicate the pathogen from individual herds are possible.

The study was led by researchers Amanda Sponheim and Maria Peters.The latter pointed out Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Not only is this costly for ranchers; The pneumonia it causes seriously affects animal welfare. “The pigs suffered a lot, mainly because the system that cleans the respiratory tract was destroyed, opening the door to other infections,” the scientist explained.

In this study, Peters and his team focused on confirming this critical step Pathogen exposure of sows newly introduced to the herd, called gilts. As they put it, “Regular introduction of gilts into the herd is intended to increase productivity, but this process may create a continuous cycle of disease as the gilts and their piglets are exposed to diseases prevalent in the herd.”

Therefore, “one of the most important components of control or elimination Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae It’s him close the flock, no new animals were introduced when there were positive cases. ” That is, if farmers can maintain a closed herd until all pigs have gone through the infection period, then new gilts and piglets will be able to join the herd without the risk of illness because the bacteria will have been effectively eliminated. .cattle.

However, they explain, “In order to successfully close a herd, it must be precisely timed to ensure that any positive animals have passed their infectious period of approximately 8 months before reopening. This means Determining day zero of gilts is critical, or the first day of infection after being introduced to a positive herd. “Once Day Zero is established, it’s time to close the herd.”

On the other hand, it is worth emphasizing that Research Different exposure techniques used on farms are analyzed, and different sample collection methods. In fact, researchers determined that “collecting a specific sample called deep tracheal secretions from pigs is most effective for early detection.” Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, allowing the most accurate identification of zero days. “

actuallythis study provides valuable knowledge to veterinarians and livestock farmers. The study ultimately recommends tailored sample collection protocols based on the expected exposure of the population and calls into question existing sample size guidelines.The findings suggest a “new way of deciding how many pigs to test and when,” providing a more strategic and effective way to manage and eliminate Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Among the pigs.

As Peters summarized, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae “This is a difficult bacterium for which there are not many resources. But the knowledge we have gained at the University of Minnesota over the past 15 years has been critical to the design of disease eradication strategies.”

in conclusion, These advances go a long way toward animal welfare.For livestock farmers, in fact, in some countries, “the use of these strategies has led to the complete elimination of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae“. In the meantime, the researchers believe that Peters and her team “continue to design strategies that fit the North American production model so that this trend will continue globally as commercial farms see the benefits.”

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