Alfredo Gamarra, a 57-year-old neighbor of Ingeniero Budge, remains hospitalized for pneumonia after a July 27 fire at his home left him trapped. “He is still weak.We’re making arrangements to help you rebuild your home’, his sister recalled pink.
“He has been in Bibai Hospital for more than a month and three days. His situation is very critical.Now he has pictures of pneumonia and is still delicatethe woman said in a statement southern politics.
Of the events that took place at a house in Bustos and Ramalo, he recalled: “He entered the burning house to rescue the dog, but was unable to revive it.Destruction is complete, he has nothing left“.
📌#police (Now 🔴) 🗣️🎙️ Alfredo Gamarra’s sister Rosa is live, Alfredo Gamarra was hospitalized due to a fire at Budge’s home.
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– Southern Politics (@PoliticaDelSur1) August 31, 2023
“The housing problem was there to stop that, but the economy wasn’t easy. He lost his job, so it became more difficult. He also lost a bed, a table, a kitchen, everything was ruined ,”He said.
At the same time, he stated that in order to raise funds Although he clarified that “the main concern today is his health”, they assessed the “possibility of bingo”..
he also pointed out They started negotiations to try and get donations to rebuild the house. “I went to the Ministry of Social Development and asked about the structure of the house because it was very valuable to fix it. They told me that there was not enough time and they were passing it on to the provincial government. I don’t know what they will do with it, but it will not be immediately Answer, they are working on resolution. Although they have provided us with some products, the main thing is to improve what the structure is,” he said.
He said: “Today, even minimal goals are difficult to achieve and we are thinking about how we can help him. Anything is welcome and I know people are very generous, especially in this situation“.