Over the years, the Cabo San Lucas mission has documented numerous issues related to drinking water. These days, CPS Noticias and the Tribuna de México information team have brought to light the problems that arise in the Tierra y Libertad neighborhood due to sewage runoff. Issues that affect the vast majority of residents.
According to residents of the Tramar residential area, Water from household water intakes is contaminated, Although the filter in the water purifier was replaced, the vital fluid was brown, as shown in a video taken at home by one of the affected people.
“This is the water we get from Terramar, Fincamex, this is the water we receive, we already have all the dirty white clothes, uniforms, we use this water to bathe, we use this water to wash dishes, this is it” It has reached us and we will take action on the matter as this has been too much and we have asked for attention but no response so we will give it everything as this is dirty and the fact is, look in the laundry room of water. “
According to complainants, this problem has occurred repeatedly, but there have been corresponding reports indicating that the relevant departments have not given a clear response to the continuous water supply. came out and gave off a bad smell.
The World Health Organization (WHO) lists a range of diseases caused by the use of contaminated water, Among the most common illnesses are cholera, typhoid and others, along with gastroenteritis, diarrhea, vomiting, skin and kidney problems.
Again, this shows that 80% of infectious diseases are spread through vital fluids and so far, drinking water in some countries does not meet the standards of the World Health Organization, which is why at least 3.1% of deaths worldwide are due to unhygienic and unhygienic Caused. Poor water quality.
As of the end of this period, there was no record of any municipality issuing a statement providing further information on the poor condition of the vital liquid supplied to the Terramar housing units in Cabo San Lucas.