They sound the alarm in Ushuaia due to serious outbreak of gastroenteritis

Captain of the Guard at Ushuaia Regional Hospital, Dr. Marla Zamudiowarned that cases of gastroenteritis continue to rise and warned that an outbreak of gastroenteritis due to a weekend outbreak can be treated by drinking tap water directly.

“In this case we did not see that it was because the patients came from a specific place to eat, but rather that most people drank tap water. Therefore, we recommend that you try to purchase water and not drink tap water until we can get clearer water.”, he explained in conversation with “El Ángel de la Radio” on the FM Espectáculo program.

The doctor also confirmed that “The vast majority of cases, even among those of different ages, do not have diarrhea” and changed to “They developed severe vomiting, malaise and dehydration and were quickly treated with serum.“.

“It’s true that respiratory cases always decrease in September and gastrointestinal cases increase. What happens is we do well, But last weekend, this major outbreak started, and almost the entire population came and continues to come. There are approximately 50 to 75 consultations per day.”he explained

Finally, he announced that the hospital’s food science department was working to pinpoint the source of the outbreak, taking samples of “turbid” water from melting ice, though Zamudio added that the color did not mean it was contaminated.

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