They urge adoption of yet-to-be-boosted COVID-19 vaccines amid rising cases


They urge adoption of yet-to-be-boosted COVID-19 vaccines amid rising cases

This Thursday (28th), a new vaccination tent event starts in the center of the capital and will last until Sunday, October 8th, including immunizations against influenza, pneumococcal and hepatitis B vaccines.The two central points where these tents are located are at Piazza San Martin and at 25 de Mayo Avenue and Fontana Street,as well as Rivadavia and the sidewalks of May 25th4 to 7 p.m. to get vaccinated, You must show your national ID.

The action coincides with calls from the national government on the issue amid rising cases. The National Ministry of Health is calling on the entire population to get vaccinated against COVID-19, especially those aged 50 or older, who are at greater risk of severe disease. In this sense, according to data from the Federal Vaccination Register, 10,467,954 people in this age group have not received a booster dose in the past six months.

In response to this issue, the director of the Provincial Institute of Epidemiology said: Claudia Rodriguezdirection Morning The increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Formosa and at the national level has prompted the national government to issue an appeal.

“We have had months without an increase in cases. Precautions and vaccinations were ‘relaxed’. We had the same number of infected and hospitalized people. This reduced the risk perception. We started by washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining social distance and environmental Ventilation to “relax”, many people say: “Why should I get vaccinated if everything is already calm? ” Rodriguez explained to the newspaper.

“At this time of year, the ‘spring peak’ of influenza B usually occurs in September and October. The influenza viruses are influenza A, B and C. The viruses commonly circulating in the country and region are influenza A and Influenza B. To this we must add that COVID-19 never stops spreading. If there are positive cases, it means that the virus is still present,” he commented.

“Last week we had 189 cases of COVID-19. This is significant. These cases are still occurring in the province, indicating that the virus continues to spread. Therefore, we must encourage vaccination,” he added.

Next, the professional recalled that with a complete vaccination program, people can avoid severe symptoms of the disease, including “respiratory complications,” hospitalization and the possibility of death from the virus. “We have a person who is hospitalized and on a respirator, and his vaccination schedule is incomplete,” he said.

Vaccination schedule

Likewise, he noted that the World Health Organization recommends receiving a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine every six months, especially if the person is over 50 years old, immunosuppressed or has an underlying condition that may cause complications (such as high blood pressure), obesity and diabetes. “In addition, it is recommended for pregnant women,” he noted.

For her part, Claudia Rodríguez explained that those who are not in high-risk groups can request a booster dose once a year, and while there are different vaccines currently available, the province is currently using the bivalent Vaccines include the two most prevalent variants of COVID-19 globally: B.4 and B.5.

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