They warn that winter will be more severe due to the spread of multiple viruses

Epidemiologist Jorge Baruch Díaz said influenza, COVID-19 and other viruses may have combined to cause Mexico’s worst winter on record.

The head of the travel clinic at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) warns that for the first time influenza A and B, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial RSV will spread simultaneously, leading to serious infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

It warned that these could lead to co-infections in the population and increase the risk of needing hospitalization, intensive care and even death during the current season.

For the reasons mentioned above, he called for extreme precautions, as a similar season has not happened before, since in the pandemic, the coronavirus only circulates with other rhinoviruses and mild daily influenza, but not with severe respiratory syncytial virus or influenza. Illnesses that can cause complications and death are much more likely and more likely to occur than rhinovirus.

In this case, he emphasized that in this season, only vaccination can treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, reduce the risk and prevent the worsening of these viruses by 60% to 80%.


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