They will be tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C virus in Jalisco – El Occidental

People with the disease have been identified in municipal drug addiction treatment centers. human immunodeficiency virus, HIV The person in charge revealed that in the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, comusda of lake moreno, Gloria Leticia Cruz Salazar.

Cruz Salazar told COESIDA: “The most important thing is that we see COMUSIDA in detoxification centers, more people are found who are positive, but unfortunately in these detoxification centers centers, they cannot reach them,” said the head of the Jalisco State Secretariat of Health (SSJ).

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The entire situation is alarming because it points to a lack of knowledge about HIV prevention and access to preventive treatment.

“When we talk about prevention, many people don’t know the types of medications that exist as prevention, they don’t know how to use it or they can get it.”

COMUSIDA chief in Lagos de Moreno calls for decentralization.

“For Social Security, which is the only agency that has this medication, we still can’t get it to the Ministry of Health, they have to come to the city of Guadalajara to get it.”

In the framework of the National HIV Testing Day, he called on COESIDA to provide treatment in COMUSIDA.

The Head of Health Services Control and Disease Prevention of the Jalisco State OPD reports that the Ministry of Health will launch a simultaneous testing campaign for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C virus in all health centers as well as in Capacit starting on November 24 José de Jesus Segura Arias:

“They will provide timely detection tests in civil society organizations and in coordination with the Zapopan Health District we will have some testing days with some organizations and on December 1 there will be one outside Guadalajara City Hall Modules, from 9 to 10 o’clock. These detection tests are also conducted at 2 p.m.”

Luis Alberto Ruiz Mora, Director of COESIDA, recognized that the Covid-19 pandemic had led to setbacks in the uptake of HIV testing tests nationwide and in achieving 95% coverage of the disease.

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It is estimated that of the 360,000 people living with HIV in Mexico, only 230,000 of them know their diagnosis, so only 61% know they are infected.

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An HIV update conference for health workers will also be held from 5 to 7 December.

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