They will compensate farm owners for birds affected by bird flu in their backyards

The Department of Agriculture and State Services have created a new financial assistance program for businesses with backyard birds. Beneficiaries will receive a subsidy of $2,500 per poultry slaughtered.

(take a nap) The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and the National Agri-food Hygiene and Quality Service (Senasa) have adopted a joint resolution to create a New financial assistance program for backyard poultry farms affected by outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

The USDA’s stated goal is to mitigate the material impact of the outbreak by providing “transitional financial assistance to assist backyard bird keepers whose bird populations have been reduced or eliminated as a result of implementation of established health control measures.” The spread of H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses has caused a health crisis. ” This measure is valid until March 25, 2024.

As of July last year, there had been 75 confirmed cases of avian influenza among backyard birds, the worst affected, while there were 18 cases in the commercial sector and seven in wild birds.

SAGPyA has launched a compensation scheme for commercial poultry farmers, which was announced last May and is valid until November 16 with a budget of $7.45 billion. This way, backyard birds are not taken into account.

For backyard bird keepers, each beneficiary will receive a payment of $2,500 per bird slaughtered.


Backyard bird keepers who meet the following requirements may be beneficiaries of this program:

a.- Register with the National Registry of Healthy Producers in Agriculture (RENSPA) of the “Backyard Bird Activity” national service listed above.

b.- Affected by measures for the slaughter of backyard birds within the framework of the emergency declared by the above-mentioned resolution N. ° RESOL 2023-147, within the application of the sanitary measures envisaged in the emergency plan prepared by the above-mentioned state services -APN-PRES#SENASA.

c.- In the case of any health emergency intervention procedures, the work of the above-mentioned state service personnel is not hindered or hindered, which must be reflected in the record of the timely execution of the intervention.

d.- Immediately notify SENASA of the presence of symptoms of avian influenza (H5/H7) or have been deemed by SENASA to be epidemiologically linked to the outbreak or have been found to be associated with the outbreak during screening missions carried out by SENASA in the area control area.

To register, producers must visit the local Senasa office corresponding to the location of the establishment where the animals are slaughtered.

There, they must prove their identity, present their email to receive the appropriate notifications, and the Unified Banking Code (CBU) under which they will receive the subsidy.

The request can only be made within 40 working days of the publication of the minutes of the meeting published by Senasa, which will be used to calculate the corresponding amount of aid.

The resolution states that the Ministry of Agriculture will publish a regulation in the official gazette within the first 10 working days of each month, including a list of beneficiaries and corresponding compensation.(Agricultural News).

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