They will provide more than 7 billion pesos in aid to producers affected by bird flu

The Department of Economy, through the Department of Agriculture, provided P7.45 billion in supplies to assist poultry producers across the country affected by the health emergency caused by the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). A free country before the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA).

This was done through the development of the Economic Assistance Program for Health Emergencies – Avian Influenza H5 and H7, officially announced by Resolution No. 683/2023 published in the Official Gazette on 17 May, which is financed by export Increase the fund, which is part of the foreign exchange settlement of agricultural exports.

The scheme, which will run for 180 days from the date of publication, until November 16 next year, includes assisting poultry producers to mitigate the economic impact of the sanitary slaughter of poultry and the destruction of fertilized and fresh eggs. Detect or suspect HPAI infection by allocating financial benefits.

Within this framework, the Ministry of Agriculture approved on June 30 the first list of beneficiaries and payment authorizations under the scheme, consisting of six companies and two individuals whose applications were submitted between May 31 and 6 registered during 7 January, they collectively received an amount of US$ 2,204,320,600 (resolution 270/2023).

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The scheme is aimed at all poultry producers registered with the National Health Register of Agricultural Producers (Renspa) of the National Agri-Food Sanitation and Quality Service (Senasa).

Precisely, the amount is determined on the basis of Senasa’s certificate of slaughter or destruction, taking into account the category of birds slaughtered and the type of eggs destroyed, multiplying the number of birds and eggs by the compensation unit value established for each category.

Producers must belong to one of the categories related to meat or egg production, rearing, breeding birds with heavy or light parents; heavy grandparents, hatcheries and home farming.

In addition, the program requires producers to “no hindrance or hindrance” Agent Senasa’s work in the Health Emergency Intervention Program.

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Additionally, they must have notified “Instantly” Symptoms of avian flu are present and animals on Senasa premises have appropriate health certificates.

Those who intend to obtain the preferential treatment must enter through the service of “Director of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Bureau” within the sixth working day from the date of issuance of the corresponding slaughter certificate, within a maximum of 30 days. Self-administered SAGyPā€¯ from the website of the Federal Administration of Public Income (AFIP).

They must also expressly request benefits within the framework of the program, authorize Senasa to provide the corresponding information to the applicant institution, establish an address in an e-mail address valid for all legal purposes, notifications and information requests, indicate the unified bank of the peso bank account in your name code (CBU), and enter other information needed for benefits to take effect.

The regulation stipulates that once the term of the established clause expires, the producer will not be able to request the distribution of benefits related to the corresponding act.

Source: Teram.

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