This happens 40% more often in summer

Kidney stones are caused by a buildup of salt, calcium, uric acid, and other minerals in the kidneys or urinary tract. In summer, warmer temperatures cause us to sweat more, and the loss of fluid causes these substances to solidify in the form of “stones”. During these months, the incidence of kidney “stones” can increase by up to 40%, experts warn.

Because it is a complication with potentially serious consequences, prevention must be given high priority, including: Stay hydrated enough to compensate for fluid loss. “It has to be compensated by intake of water, which is necessary to excrete anything through urine, also in the case of stone formation. We have to drink a lot of water, but also other types of fluids, such as soups, infusions Or Juice José Ángel Gómez, Director of Urology at the Quirónsalud Hospital in Málaga, explains,

Stones are hard, stone-like lumps that can cause severe pain (renal colic), blockage of urine flow, bleeding, and urinary tract infections. It is pain, no matter the intensity, that leads a patient to visit the doctor, or the emergency room if they are suffering from it. Renal colic.

The latter occurs when a stone cannot pass naturally in the urine and becomes lodged in the kidney or moves through the urethra and becomes stuck, blocking the urethra. This is the most common symptom of kidney stones, which is the most common symptom of kidney stones. Severe, sudden, and severe pain. Other times, kidney stones can be discovered incidentally through radiology tests or urinary tract sepsis. An infection that causes pain, discomfort, and fever.

If stones do not pass through urine on their own, urologists have specialized techniques to destroy them, and lithotripsy is the treatment of choice. The Urology Department of the Quirónsalud Hospital in Malaga has treated around 3,000 patients with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL); the removal of “stones” in a minimally invasive way, avoiding surgery and general anesthesia.

“Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy has undoubtedly reached a very high level of effectiveness, and although it represents the basis of the therapeutic approach, it should under no circumstances be considered the only procedure for the treatment of urinary stones. Other procedures, such as laser Endoscopic lithotripsy and percutaneous laser nephrolithotomy are very important, so we defend the complementarity between the different procedures currently available”, the expert emphasized.

Likewise, it states that “treatment is carried out on a day hospital system, without hospitalization, with analgesia or deep sedation to avoid pain and anesthesia problems, and is discharged one or two hours after the end of treatment if the clinical Since the stone surgery service was launched, the single treatment rate has exceeded 80%.

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