This Oriental food may cut your risk of diabetes in half

This Oriental food may cut your risk of diabetes in halfPixar

Diabetes is one of the most worrying diseases in recent decades. Unhealthy diet and poor lifestyle habits lead to one in seven adults suffering from diabetesthe second highest in Europe.


As we all know, if we want to prevent certain diseases as much as possible It is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet. In this article, we’ll show you one food that can apparently be a great helper in reducing your risk of diabetes.

We must be clear: all excess is negative.Although this is true Overuse of some products is more harmful than others. Including certain foods in our diet can prevent some important diseases.

specific Black tea is a beverage of Eastern origin that is rich in properties and benefits and may be an excellent solution for preventing diabetes. In fact, a scientific study conducted by researchers from the University of Adelaide (Australia) and Southeast University (China) found very important data.

great alternative

Apparently, people who drink black tea every day The risk of developing prediabetes is reduced by 53% and the risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced by 47%. In addition, there are studies showing that consuming this drink can reduce the risk of other cardiovascular diseases.

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Black tea can sometimes be a good substitute for coffee.. Although the latter is one of the most famous and most consumed drinks in the world and is very beneficial to health, we must remember that the misuse of certain products or foods can be harmful to health.

Abuse of coffee can be harmful to our bodies, so we can introduce black tea into our diet to get the best of both worlds when it comes to our choices. Among its many benefits, Not only can we reduce the pain of diabetes, but we can also protect our hearts and kidneys.

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