This way we will put an end to one of the most common situations in Mexico

Urinary tract infections are the second most common illness in Mexico, and recurrences are common.  (Getty Creations)

Urinary tract infections are the second most common illness in Mexico, and recurrences are common. (Getty Creations)

For many women, there is no other option: keep the chance of contracting a UTI, even though they know it will come back sooner or later. And they’re not just a thing for women’s private parts, they can happen to men too. In fact, urinary tract infections are the second leading cause of illness in Mexico, Based on data from Stasta 2022.

In fact, urinary tract infections are often caused by bacterial infections and are very common, Depends on organization Latest advances in nephrology, 50-60% of adult women will experience some episode of symptoms during their lifetime, and after an initial episode, 27% will experience a recurrence. Confirmed within six months. In men, these numbers are lower and often occur due to changes in the urinary tract, and in older adults.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection are very annoying and can cause great discomfort, and they include a very frequent need to urinate; burning in the area; a feeling of pressure during urination or an incomplete emptying of the bladder; pain; cloudy urine and Has a strong odor, but that’s not the only reason why urine smells differentand even fever may occur.

Even a common infection that may resolve symptoms on its own can spread and become a more serious problem if it spreads to the kidneys or becomes chronic, so it’s valuable to know what the symptoms are. What affects their appearance, but most importantly how to fix them completely.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exist Several factors increase the risk of developing a urinary tract infection. Women are more susceptible to infection because our urethras are shorter and closer to the rectum, which makes it easier for bacteria to enter the urethra.

E. coli, the most common cause of urinary tract infections, has filaments that can stick to the urethra or bladder.  (Getty Creations)E. coli, the most common cause of urinary tract infections, has filaments that can stick to the urethra or bladder.  (Getty Creations)

E. coli, the most common cause of urinary tract infections, has filaments that can stick to the urethra or bladder. (Getty Creations)

Additionally, there are other factors that increase the likelihood of developing a UTI, such as a history of UTIs or genetic factors; Sexual activity must be associated with good hygiene; changes in vaginal flora, which may be caused by hormonal imbalances such as menopause; use of spermicides; pregnancy; age, the older you are, the greater the likelihood of infection; and structural problems with the urinary system, such as an enlarged prostate.

final solution

First, develop a thorough and strict habit of good private hygiene. Dr. Sofía Herrera, Gynecologist, Head of Women’s Health Platform your private healthAdvice with Dr. Klara Senior Clean the outside of the genital area daily using products specifically designed for that area, pH neutral and fragrance-free, but also emphasizes the importance of hydrating after cleansing with an Intimate Gel containing hyaluronic acid.This is to hydrate the area and Prevent dryness that can cause itching, which can be counterproductive Because by scratching the area, we can weaken the delicate skin of the vulva and create channels for infection.

We then have to visit a specialist every year and tell him our symptoms and whether we have recurring infections. It is not enough to drink juice and buy the first medicine we find at the pharmacy counter. The best way to fight recurring infections is to follow complete, adequate, and ongoing treatment.

Let’s remember that E. coli is the most common cause of urinary tract infections. It has filaments that can stick to the urethra or bladder, and that’s where an ingredient in cranberries works, weakening them. But drinking a liter of juice a day or taking any supplement is not entirely effective.

It is essential to visit a specialist to permanently treat and end urinary tract infection.  (Getty Creations)It is essential to visit a specialist to permanently treat and end urinary tract infection.  (Getty Creations)

It is essential to visit a specialist to permanently treat and end urinary tract infection. (Getty Creations)

Although, as mentioned earlier, fruits do contain ingredients that weaken the effects of E. coli, Proanthocyanidins, called PAC, Its effectiveness depends on the concentration and quality of the product, Furthermore, it is an ideal complement to treatment rather than the only remedy.

Additionally, cranberries are not only a natural ingredient in treating urinary tract infections; Plants backed by science may help relieve uncomfortable symptoms of cystitis, Parsley is one of them.

Furthermore, if we make a habit of consuming enough fluids and vitamin C, we can prevent the recurrence of the disease as it is believed to promote the elimination of harmful bacteria in addition to the benefits it brings to overall health.We can also help ourselves by consuming probiotics because By having optimal gut health, we can also strengthen our immune system.

Last but not least, antibiotic treatment must be prescribed by a doctor because The specialist can know the dosage and duration of treatment, which can be up to two years.; I might even prescribe a medication to take after sex, or if the cause is related to a hormonal imbalance, I’ll design a treatment specifically for that.

This article is intended to provide general and educational information on topics related to health and well-being. However, this information should not be considered a substitute for a physician’s advice and should not be used to administer treatment without medical supervision. Yahoo! is not responsible for any diagnosis made by a user based on this content. If you are concerned about your health, please consult your primary care physician or other qualified health professional before taking any action.

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