This way you can fall asleep in 60 seconds

Tips for solving insomnia: Fall asleep in just 60 seconds

rest well and Get enough sleep It is closely linked to physical health as it helps prevent metabolic, neurodegenerative or cardiovascular diseases, improves mood and helps extend life expectancy.So if you are one of the following people moving around on the bed This will interest you before you go to bed.


What matters is that you use good sleeping habits.Make some schedules and engage in some physical activity to help you reach a state of fatigue and Avoid caffeinated beverages. In addition to this, you can practice techniques such as controlling your breathing, relaxing your muscles, listening to relaxing music, drinking hot drinks, or keeping your eyes open for as long as possible.

Tips for falling asleep in 60 seconds

If none of this has worked for you so far, there’s also Technology that never fails this will help you It only takes 60 seconds to fall asleep.

4-7-8 Technology

it is inspired by an ancient yoga technique Known as pranayama, it is a natural calming agent for the nervous system.Before putting it into practice, monitoring is recommended the way we breathe and try to correct it if necessary. To do this, the lower part of the lungs must be filled with oxygen, which will balance the nervous system and achieve a state of deep relaxation.

Here’s how you should apply 4-7-8 Technology sleep:

  1. Place the tip at The tongue is located behind the upper front teethwhere the sense of taste begins.

  2. close and Breathe through nose Four seconds.

  3. hold your breath 7 seconds in the lungs.
  4. expel all air Eight seconds. This process is repeated three times.

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