Throat, nose and ear consultations increase at hospital Escuela – Economis due to wet weather

written in August 29, 2023

“Dr. Ramón Madariaga” from Agudos Hospital reports on the functioning of the ENT services, the conditions they treat and the most frequent consultations.

in some meaning, Otolaryngologist Valeria RobledoThe head of the above-mentioned service explained: “This is a specialty, available in all areas of need. nose, throat iYoDo. Therefore, all pathology or patient inquiries covering these areas can be dealt with here. All of the inquiries we receive in the area include important things, not just the breath, but some of the senses as well. “

In the same line, the professional elaborates on the most common conditions of the nose, ears and throat: “When we talk about the parts of the nose, ears and throat, noseWe talk about breathing. We go through the breathing cycle every day to make our breath comfortable, but we also have smells. So when we talk about the nose, inflammatory and allergic processes often affect breathing and lead to patient visits. ” Professionals clarify that these processes are associated with the area in which we live, which is located in the north of the country and has a particularly humid climate. He continues: “In addition to allergic inflammatory processes, we also accept patients with sinusitis, obstructive lesions of neoplastic and pseudotumor origin or trauma, and anatomically altered nasal septum or facial masses.” It should be noted that , many of these conditions cause air blockages that prevent odor molecules from reaching the olfactory bulbs.

About what the Act covers Ears and Hearing Aids, divided into three parts: outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. On this, Dr. Robledo comments: “In the outer ear, what we usually see is a wax plug or infection that may develop in the ear canal. The middle ear is separated by a small membrane, which is the tympanic membrane; there are the ossicles. Here There has to be air for sound to travel. If the infectious inflammatory pathology produces mucus retention in the infected ear, we have acute otitis media, where we treat it, and perform a foreign body extraction. The inner ear is the organ of hearing and is the central nervous system The structure of the part of the system; next to the cochlea, there is a balance device, which is why symptoms such as vertigo can also be treated here.”

as to what it is throatThe professional emphasizes: “The larynx is the organ that allows us to breathe, speak and swallow; we see disorders related to changes in swallowing. Therapeutics (because of its proximity to the digestive system) together.”

Hospital Escuela treats patients over 15 years old, expert provides details about the patient PathologyMore frequent: “We receive inquiries about facial inflammatory pain changes or discomfort due to bite changes, which can lead to ear pain. This condition is common in all ages and is closely related to stress and lifestyle. In this case, we also manage contact with the area of ​​oral and maxillofacial surgery for treatment. The patient presents with ear pain, but is actually jaw dysfunction; we conduct the corresponding research and then make a referral. This is also the case in adults very common Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss). “

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