andOle, fabulous and lonely. How many consecutive frames in the natal chart Tim Burton, Virgo with the push of the rising Gemini. The intellectual synergy is dominated by Mercury, always in the sign of Earth in the fourth house, the house of family, like the Sun.
What does it mean? This means director’s talent was born in a family, in an isolated childhood, spent drawing and watching horror movies. At the age of 14, he won a competition organized by a garbage collection company. Soon the city will be covered with his drawings.
At 24, he released his first black and white short film. Vincent, a teenager fantasizing on a horror theme. But the breakthrough year was 1990 with such a masterpiece as Edward Scissorhands played by a very young Johnny Depp.
Neptune in Scorpio is a poetic probe that captures pain, exclusion and freedom in this Pinocchio, built by a scientist who dies with no hands, ten scissors for fingers. Venus and Uranus in Leo convey narrative fervor.
The Moon in Capricorn indicates the absence of a mother and the need for a female figure. After the wedding with Helena Bonham Carter, today he is next to Monica Bellucci., Libra ascendant in Capricorn conjunct the Director’s Moon. Is this the perfect couple?
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