An outbreak of gastroenteritis in Tarazona (Zaragoza) affected half a thousand people, and this summer the fountain in Valencia’s Central Park was forced to close for several days after seven children became infected. The reason behind this was Cryptosporidium , a tiny parasite that cannot be transmitted. Usually looked for in routine analysis.
It is a protozoan that is often found in water and can also contaminate food. When eaten by people and animals, it can enter the intestines and cause diarrhea, vomiting or fever, even in people who are immunosuppressed. Respiratory and respiratory tract. causing more serious problems.
In order to determine whether this substance is present in the water so that disinfection measures can be taken, there are laboratories such as Gamaser from the Global Omnium Group, the only private laboratory in Spain accredited by the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC) for the analysis of Cryptosporidium .
Juan Francisco Maestre, director of Global Omnium Services, explained: “It is a protozoa that is usually found in untreated water and can potentially spread if it reaches the water network or if someone ingests it. Can cause gastroenteritis.” He noted that it’s usually not present. detected. It is usually only looked for in the analysis if there are other bacteria present in the water or if there is a certain amount of turbidity.
Daily control is crucial
He believes that “more routine” control of the parasite not only in water networks but also in fountains and parks where there is some risk would allow progress in prevention, although he admitted it was an “uneconomical” technology .
To analyze drinking water for the presence of this microorganism, which has a size between 4 and 6 microns, the Gamaser laboratory uses 100 liters of water samples (the largest volume of water required to detect it), which are passed through a filter with micron-sized pores. After several steps.
Guadalupe Sastre, head of development in the Department of Microbiology, explains that being able to observe Cryptosporidium under the microscope through immunofluorescence techniques requires following a “pretty arduous and quite complicated” process. ENAC guarantees the laboratory’s technical competence.
Global Omnium Gamaser Labs
Ester Méndez, head of innovation at the Global Omnium Gamaser Laboratory, points out that it must be taken into account that if an infected animal defecates on the street or near a water source, the parasites can return to the water again, and in the summer or when the weather is very hot, children and Animals enter these fountains.
“One of the problems we face is that the epidemic no longer becomes a small outbreak but ends up spreading,” Mendez said, adding that based on the laboratory identification, a decision could be made on whether to move forward with disinfecting the water or whether to More disinfectants are needed to eliminate parasites.
In this water quality control and specialized testing laboratory of the Global Omnium Group, they are conducting wastewater control to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 during the coronavirus pandemic and conducting research to try to get ahead of future related health issues .
“We have a lot of research areas trying to detect emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals or pharmaceuticals in wastewater,” Maestre said, noting that technologies such as sequencing wastewater samples can provide insights into “people’s health.” population”.
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