Tips for calculating whether intestinal transit is slow (and 7 tips from nutritionists for constipation)

The speed of intestinal transit is more important than we think.No need to worry about digestion for up to 36 hoursbut if delayed The corruption process will occur if it exceeds 54 hours Because it can lead to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the accumulation of toxins.

The slower the intestinal transit, the more toxic the feces will be. For the gut microbiome, the situation is even worse. The content of the waste is also important: do they contain high amounts of fiber and plant debris, or just protein and the remains of highly processed foods?

Why is intestinal transit speed important?

he colon or large intestine It forms the last part of the digestive tract and can be one to two meters long and 12 centimeters in diameter. The muscular layer of the colon is thick and strong because its job is to push waste toward its final exit. Its interior is smooth, thick, and covered with a dense protective layer of mucus. Perfectly designed to hold and handle large amounts of feces and bacteria.

adult colon Can contain up to two kilograms of bacteriaforming another organ, Gut microbiome. Feces contains 70% of its weight in bacteria, mixed with fiber and shed cells.

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The colon is not a bag for garbage, it is an organ that performs tasks important functions How to provide Habitat for beneficial bacteria and indispensable,Absorbs water, trace amounts of glucose, sodium and vitamin K; Detoxify the body and Remove harmful substances.

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