Tips for removing black seams from floors in your home

The passage of time often means that no matter how clean you are, the floor of your homeOver time, tile joints can accumulate dirt and turn yellow or even black.Marks that most ordinary cleaning products cannot remove No matter how much you rub it.

exclude Those black spots on the joints Cleaning your floors or walls is easier than you think and you can do it using products we all have around the house.Use a little toothpaste and you’ll get Leave everything behind like a jet of gold.

To do this, take a spatula or an old brush and apply the paste on it.leave it alone Action for hours Then use a toothbrush to remove it. Then just mop the floor.

You can also use white cleaning vinegar.To do this you must Use this product to moisturize your joints And add a little laundry detergent to enhance the effect. Let it sit for a few minutes and then scrub with a brush.Remember to protect yourself Wear gloves on your hands to avoid irritating your skin. Then all you have to do is rinse and scrub with your usual products.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda will help you achieve this. Sprinkle baking soda over the joint and add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.Let it sit for 10 minutes, then scrub with a brush Soak in water and dish soap. Ideally, you should use a soft-toothed and nail brush to avoid scratching the tiles. Rinse and mop the floor normally.

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