Tips from INTI to enjoy Carnival without health risks in the context of influenza and COVID-19

Carnival is a festival full of joy and fun, but it also means the risk of respiratory illness transmission, which can have serious health consequences. According to Bolivian health authorities, 5,875 COVID-19 cases were registered in the third week of January 2024. Therefore, according to INTI, precautions must be taken to protect oneself from influenza and Covid-19, which are mainly spread through contact with respiratory droplets expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.

“Carnival is an expression of a people’s culture and identity, but it also carries with it a responsibility for collective health. Covid-19 is not the first pandemic to strike humanity, nor will it be the last. We work together through hard work, solidarity and science Other health crises have been overcome. But we cannot relax or trust. These diseases can be prevented through healthy habits that help strengthen the immune system and protect the respiratory tract,” said Fernando Álvarez, Scientific Advisor of Droguería INTI, who offers some tips on enjoying Carnival Tips for taking care of your health while at the same time:

1. Avoid crowds and confined places. Carnival is usually a large celebration with many people gathered in a small space. This facilitates the exchange of viruses and increases the risk of contagion. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid crowded places, choose an open and ventilated place, and keep at least two meters away from others as recommended by the World Health Organization.

2. Wear a mask and change it frequently. Masks are one of the primary barriers to avoiding exposure to respiratory droplets containing viruses. However, if it gets wet, dirty, or used improperly, its effectiveness is reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to use an approved mask that covers the nose and mouth and to change it every four hours or if it gets wet or deteriorates. Additionally, you should avoid touching the mask with dirty hands and dispose of it in a safe place.

3. Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face. Hands are a major vector for spreading the virus because they can come into contact with contaminated surfaces, which can then carry the virus to the mouth, nose, or eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap and water or hydroalcoholic gel every time you touch something or come into contact with other people, and to avoid touching your face without washing your hands.

4. Strengthen your immune system through a healthy diet and the use of vitamins. The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from infection, so it is important to keep the body strong and healthy. For this reason, it is recommended to follow a balanced and varied diet that includes fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, proteins and healthy fats. In addition, you can also supplement the use of vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps prevent and fight colds, and vitamin D, which improves immune response and reduces inflammation. If you are lacking, you can use products such as INTI’s ACD Vimin to replenish what your body needs.

5. Avoid contact with people with cold symptoms, such as fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat or nasal congestion, please consult a doctor if complications such as difficulty breathing, earache, coughing up blood or persistent high fever occur. These symptoms may indicate influenza or Covid-19 infection and require appropriate medical care and treatment.

“It is important to follow the preventive and protective measures recommended by the health authorities and avoid exposing yourself to dangerous situations. This way we can celebrate Carnival safely and have fun,” concluded Alvarez.

(Information from INTI)

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