If you have been trying to lose weight for a while without success, the reason may be that you have abused a very strict diet in the past. The fact is that a menu that is too low in calories can sometimes cause your metabolism to slow down and put your body into “savings mode.” What does it mean? Basically our bodies require less energy and burn fewer calories. So if you’ve recently noticed that your weight isn’t going down (or even going up) no matter how diligently you eat, your metabolism may simply not be functioning properly. good news? It has a solution.Note that there are some tips that can help you Release metabolic rigidity.

1- Stay away from stress

Stress and anxiety produce cortisol, a hormone that increases our hunger and hinders our ability to feel fully satisfied. Dire consequences? We eat too much and increase our calorie consumption. So try to relax as much as possible and approach things calmly.

2. Sleep 8 hours a day

It turns out that sleep deprivation slows down your metabolism. One of the main reasons is that when we sleep, our bodies burn calories to regulate body temperature. So, remember: maintaining good sleep habits is crucial. Going to bed earlier and limiting the use of electronic devices before bed will help you relax before bed.

3-Eat more protein

Eating protein-rich foods can help Activates metabolism up to 30%. Eggs, chicken, turkey, white fish, dairy… they all increase the body’s thermic effect, burning extra calories to absorb and process the nutrients in food. Another plus? Protein-rich foods make you feel full and therefore digest more slowly, helping to control your appetite between meals.

4- Get moving!

Ideally 150 minutes of exercise per week, essential for increasing basal metabolic rate. Of course, in addition to aerobic exercise, we must not forget strength exercises, especially for people who have passed the 50-year-old mark. Sufficient muscle mass is of great help in accelerating metabolism.

Candice Swanepoel does exercise

Walk, swim, danceā€¦find your favorite sport and go for it. (@candiceswanepoor)

5- Betting snack healthy

In order to prepare light main meals, we must pay attention to what we eat between meals. In addition to fresh fruit, it is also important to choose cold cuts such as turkey breast or ham. Another good option is pickles, such as gherkins or chives.

6- Drink green tea

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, so drinking a few cups of green tea a day can Activates metabolism up to 13%. Experts explain that the antioxidants it contains, called catechins, may provide this benefit.

7-Enjoy the spices

Capsaicin is a chemical found in spicy foods such as chili peppers, cayenne peppers, cayenne peppers,… This substance doubles caloric expenditure within hours of ingestion and travels to the brain by binding to neuroreceptors Sends signals to burn fat. result? Helps reduce up to 100 calories per day.


Eating spicy food can help you burn more calories while resting. (@Gtres)

8. Drink cold water

We know that drinking two liters of water a day is crucial to staying hydrated and preventing fluid retention. But it would be better if it was cold! Researchers say the process by which our bodies heat all that water also helps speed up metabolism.

9-Increase fiber

It turns out that getting enough fiber Can accelerate fat burning up to 29%. Try to consume about 25 grams a day, which is equivalent to three servings of fruits and vegetables.

10-Eat bread for breakfast

Desperation to lose weight may lead us to give up certain foods, such as bread. However, adding it to breakfast is a great option for an energizing meal that helps us avoid temptation after get off work. Indeed, Choose quality breadit would be better if it is whole grain.