Tips to avoid the flu in the office

The daily grind and demands of work often challenge us to stay healthy during critical moments. Cold and flu season often seems to arrive at the worst possible time, when schedules are packed and rest is impossible.

Here, we share practical strategies for avoiding the flu and colds, even with a busy work schedule.

Health first

Personal hygiene in the work environment can have an impact. Frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer are simple but effective measures to reduce the spread of germs, especially in shared spaces such as offices.

Balanced nutrition

A balanced diet that includes foods rich in vitamins and minerals can strengthen your immune system. Include foods rich in vitamins C, D, E and zinc, such as citrus fruits, spinach, nuts and fish. Antioxidants in fresh fruits and vegetables also help fight oxidative stress and promote healing.


The body needs to be hydrated to function optimally. Otherwise, basic functions such as digestive processes, circulation, breathing, etc., cannot work properly.

Additionally, staying well hydrated can help prevent mucous membranes from drying out, creating an additional barrier against viruses.

Rest and stress management

Fatigue and chronic stress weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to disease. Prioritizing good rest and employing stress management techniques like meditation or yoga may be the key to strengthening your body’s defenses.

Ventilation and cleaning of work spaces

Ensuring your workplace is well ventilated and cleaning surfaces regularly can help maintain a healthier environment. The circulation of fresh air reduces the concentration of bacteria and reduces the risk of infection.

Use of facial mask

In settings where close contact is unavoidable, such as on public transportation or in crowded places, considering the use of masks may be an additional measure of protection. Not only does this help prevent the spread of disease, it also protects those around you.

take a vacation

Even with a heavy workload, it’s critical to recognize the importance of taking adequate rest and vacation when necessary. Forcing the body to continue working while sick can prolong recovery and affect long-term work performance.

Facing cold and flu season during a busy workday may seem challenging, but with preventive measures and careful care, you can reduce your risk of contracting an illness during these critical moments. Health is a priceless asset, and adopting preventive habits in the workplace can make the difference between a healthy season and facing the discomfort of a cold at the worst possible time.

If, despite taking all these precautions, you get the flu and can’t stop working, prepare Tabcin Extra Fuerte Día, which contains acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine. This combination of ingredients helps relieve cold and flu symptoms: runny and stuffy nose, headache and body aches, fever, sore throat, and cough. The best part is that it doesn’t make you feel sleepy, so you can continue working during the day without feeling sick.


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