Tobacco harms animal health

Smoking not only harms people’s health, but also affects the health of animals that live with them. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pets who are regularly exposed to cigarette smoke may develop serious illness.For example, dogs, especially those with long noses like greyhounds, are more likely to nasal cancer. In the case of breeds such as pit bulls and beagles, they are at greater risk of developing this disease because of their appearance. lung cancer. By licking themselves, cats expose themselves to the toxins of tobacco and put themselves at risk for tobacco infection. oral squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, as we say in this article, Nicotine is particularly dangerous to animals, and poisoning by this substance can be fatal.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies smoking as a global epidemic: it kills 8 million people every year.This habit not only affects the health of smokers, but also significantly affects cohabitants, making them passive smoker. The University Clinic of Navarra (CUN) warns that the smoke inhaled by passive smokers contains three times more nicotine and tar and five times more carbon monoxide than the smokers themselves.Statistics show Passive smokers have a 20% to 30% chance of developing coronary heart disease and lung cancer.

and Pets living with smokers are not immune to these consequences.. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, dogs and cats are particularly susceptible to cancer and other serious diseases because they breathe polluted air and get nicotine and other toxins from tobacco by licking it.

How does tobacco smoke affect animals?

Pets are passive smokers. Their respiratory systems are very similar to humans, so they suffer from the harmful effects of tobacco in the same way. A cigarette is composed of about 4,000 substances, 70 of which are highly harmful, especially nicotine and carbon monoxide.very harmful to health if inhaled.

Passive smoking for pets
image: evapnevska

These are the main situations in which pets smoke:

🚬 Exciting

Animals may experience eye irritation, conjunctivitis and itching In eyes. They may even experience nausea and loss of appetite in a confined space with multiple smokers.

🚬 Respiratory diseases

They are at greater risk of suffering bronchitis and asthma Due to the accumulation of toxic substances in the lungs.Exposure to tobacco smoke can exacerbate and lead to the development of existing respiratory diseases chronic cough.

🚬 Chronic sinusitis

Animals have sensitive respiratory mucosa and can develop chronic sinusitis from exposure to tobacco smoke.

🚬 Cardiovascular disease

Tobacco can cause heart or blood vessel failure in pets, especially older pets.

🚬 Cancer

Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke can cause of them lung and nasal They are the most common.

How Tobacco Affects Dogs

FDA warns The effects of tobacco smoke on dogs are related to the length of their nosesacts as a natural filter.

  • Breeds with noses longsuch as greyhounds, wolfhounds and Doberman pinschers, are twice as likely to develop the disease nasal cancerbecause their noses capture more smoke particles, exposing nasal tissue to carcinogens.
  • Long-nosed varieties short or mediumsuch as bulldogs, bulldogs, beagles, and Brittany spaniels, have a higher chance of developing lung cancer. Their nose and mouth have lower filtering capacity, allowing particles to enter directly into the lungs, thereby increasing the risk of tumors.
sad dog without owner
image: moshehar/922 images

In addition, a study from Colorado State University in the United States was published in the journal American Journal of Epidemiology, reveals a correlation between tobacco exposure and cancer in dogs.Researchers looked at 51 dogs with lung cancer and 83 dogs with other types of cancer; they concluded that dogs who lived with smokers had 60% increased risk of lung cancer. The same research team subsequently confirmed in a larger study of 481 dogs that dogs living with smokers had an increased risk of cancer.

How Tobacco Affects Cats

Not only do cats inhale smoke like dogs, but they are also exposed to toxins in tobacco during which point they ingest particles deposited in their fur.

According to the FDA, research shows that cats living in smoking homes Two to four times more likely to develop oral squamous cell carcinoma; Even with chemotherapy, surgery or radiation, less than 10% of cats survive one year after diagnosis.

Also, kittens who live with people who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day Three times the risk of developing lymphoma. Cats diagnosed with this tumor live an average of six months, even after receiving chemotherapy or surgery.

cat licking
image: Teamk/65 pictures

Nicotine is a dangerous poison to animals

Have you ever wondered how pets consume nicotine?they did it Eating cigarettes, cigars, butts, or chewing liquid nicotine cartridges Contained in e-cigarettes or vaping equipment. A traditional cigarette can contain 9 to 30 milligrams of nicotine, while a cigar can contain 15 to 40 milligrams of nicotine. Even cigarette butts, which are considered harmless, contain 5 to 7 milligrams of nicotine.

Nicotine is toxic to animals in small doses, Doses between 20 and 100 milligrams (mg) can be fatal to dogs and cats.

Additionally, the FDA warns that in the event of possible nicotine poisoning, There is no specific antidote to stop the poisoning. The only solution is to provide intravenous fluids and anti-seizure medications, as they help the animal survive and eliminate nicotine from the body.

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