TODAY’S PAPER | Jose Ocampos inaugurated as the new president of Canas, Paraguay

President Santiago Peña has pledged to work on meeting the needs of the teaching sector. Photo: Archives/Media Nation.

Statement by the President of the Republic of Santiago Peña.

President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, highlighted the agreement reached with the teachers sector and insisted that education will be one of the government’s priorities, pushing for a historic deal.

The head of state expressed his position through a statement issued on Sunday Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) and teachers’ unionswho threatened to strike.

Education is the top priority of our governmentI say it all the time and here’s why We are already working hard to fulfill our historic commitment with the Department of Educationhas always called for constructive dialogue,” the statement said.

in some meaning, santiago pena confirm that instructions have been given to Funding for teaching included in 2024 general state budget to those who have Pending payment resolutions, corresponding to 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Related: Teacher strike threat lifted after agreement

these are considered “Unfulfilled accumulated debt and fairness demands during the previous administration”also mentions the text.

With this, we are “advancing the discussions necessary to lead us towards educational quality standards To enable our boys, girls and young people to reach their fullest potential”.

Likewise, the President affirmed the Progressive Payments for 2023 Qualification Period yes Included in the general expenditure budget for 2025.

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We are committed to working towards the institutionalization of permanent workbenchesfor work purposes Shared Priorities on Structural Issuesthe focus and starting point are educator career“, it noted.

Another commitment made by the national government involves Increase health subsidy from £300,000 to £500,000 To MEC Administrative Officers Starting in 2024.

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