Todd Haynes, a personal exhibition at the Pompidou

Looking forward to know, in a few days with the announcement of the press conference if his new film May December – star Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman – will be among the titles in the program of the next Cannes Film Festival (May 14-26), as they say on many sides, Todd Haynes will be in Paris for the personal exhibition dedicated to him by the Center Pompidou, a new appointment with that independent American cinema after the beautiful solo exhibition of Kelly Reichardt who has always been a friend and artistic accomplice of the director born in California in 1961.

THE REVIEW will present (from 10 to 29 May) the complete work of Haynes, including the series Mildred Piercewith Kate Winslet, and an unreleased short film created by the director for the occasion in the «Où en êtes-vous?»

The retrospective is then accompanied by a publication with a preface by Julianne Moore, an introduction to the director’s work, over one hundred and fifty unpublished working documents conserved in Haynes’s own archive, and a long interview retracing his work.

The editors recommend:

Carol, Haynes’ l’amour fou in 1950s New York

Haynes, who likes to talk about having discovered his love for cinema with Mary Poppins, shot his first short when he was seventeen, with the title The Suicide.

From Superstars: The Karen Carpenter Story to Barbiefinished in 1987 but banned upon its release, and then a Safe in which he works for the first time together with Julianne Moore, Haynes traces the founding myths of the American imagination, interrogating social, sexual and artistic norms in order to overthrow them.

The editors recommend:

«Wonderstruck», New York between the silent film era and the 1970s

May December which from the synopsis looks like a new melodrama – among the directors loved by Haynes there is Sirk explicit reference of his Far from Paradise – is the story of a couple, with grown children, whose marriage goes into crisis when a young actress arrives among them to research for a film on the family’s past. Their love story years earlier had bounced in the news due to the age difference between the two, she older than her young employee who later became her husband.

The editors recommend:

In the silent universe of Todd Haynes

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