Tom Holland: “I was addicted to alcohol. Zendaya? Lucky to have her around

an honest confession, without shield, 360 degree. Passion, sacrifice, love and even addiction. tom holland microphone of IntentionallyPodcast of the famous British life coach Jai Shetty: «Last year I spent Christmas Very drunk. I was just thinking about drinks and so on it scared me», says the American actor, who has just turned 27, who immediately managed to do reverse course.

“I felt confined sociability, like, it was like i can’t go to the pub And drink a lime soda. or i didn’t mind go out to dinner, It was a fight.” Joe, with perseverance and self-sacrifice, Tom managed to win: Six months of abstinence, observed on his birthday, last June. “It was my happiest birthday. Now i sleep betterI handle problems with clarity.

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“well now I feel healthy and fit. But now I’m not hiding i’m addicted to alcohol, This is where the question arises spontaneously about the role of the girlfriend. ZendayaHow important has it been in this journey: «I am lucky the one in my life person like him», says Holland again. “It’s good to have someone who’s on your side same boatWith whom to share some experiences».

First, events related to world of cinemaof which Tom – filed the last role crowded room – decided to take a break, “Look, I’m a fan of filmmaking, but Hollywood It’s not for me», explains the star who has repeatedly played the role Spider Man, “I like my interaction with cinema, but always looking for ways Get awayTo lead a normal life”.

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“Today I want to focus on the things they make me really happy,

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