TRT Haber ekibine Nablus’ta saldırı

TRT news migrant Murat Can Ozturk and photographer Ahmed Bagis, a Jew Yerlenin, continue their adventures in shooting each other.

Aracın camları hasar gördü, güvenli yere geçtiler

Araçlarının ön camı hasar gordü.

You may have a lot of experience in business.

TRT Haber Muhabiri Murat Can Öztürk, weldırıyı şöyle anlattı:

“Once there was a lot of money. Ardından had to buy the product. It would have been nice to have a lot of money, but I would have bought it. I would like to buy it. I would like to share it with you.” All over the world, you can enjoy more comfort and enjoyment. .

(Tags for translation)Palestine – Israel çatışması

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